Tips in Achieving Effective Robotic Process Automation

More businesses are taking that leap and turning to a developing technology practice known as RPA or robotic process automation to modernize business operations and ultimately reduce costs.

With application modernization solutions like RPA solutions, businesses can now automate dull and repetitive rule-based business processes, which would enable users to dedicate more time and effort to serving customers or other more important operational tasks.

So, what really is RPA?

RPA or robotic process automation is referred to as an application of technology that is directed by business logic as well as organized inputs to systematize business processes.

With the RPA tools, businesses can configure the software to capture as well as interpret applications for manipulating data, processing transactions, communicating with other digital software, and triggering appropriate responses. The process can be as simple as generating automated email responses to deploying thousands of bots, which are programmed individually to automate tasks in an enterprise resource planning system. 

Benefits of RPA Solutions 

RPA solutions provide businesses with the ability to significantly reduce staffing costs as well as avoidable human errors. Bots used RPA solutions are typically low-cost and they are easy to implement. Additionally, they require no customized software or unnecessary deep system integration.

Businesses also have the capacity to supercharge their automation efforts by integrating RPA solutions with cognitive technologies like speech recognition and natural language processing. This allows businesses to automate higher-orders tasks that previously required the judgment and perceptual capabilities of humans.  

Pitfalls of RPA Solutions

RPA is not for every business. Just like any automation technology, RPA has the tendency to eliminate jobs. While those businesses that are investing in RPA are attempting to transition their employees to new jobs, this automation solution can threaten the livelihood of millions of people.

RPA implementations also tend to fail more often than not, especially if performed without proper planning. Also, the installation of thousands of bots can take longer and is considered more costly and complex compared to what was projected. The platforms on which these bots intermingle often change and the needed flexibility is not always configured into a bot.

Tips for Effective Robotic Process Automation 

To ensure a smooth transition to RPA, here are some tips that can help you and your business.

  • Set Realistic Goals and Manage Expectations. Yes, we can have quick wins when integrating RPA solutions. However, propelling RPA to run at scale is a different story. Thus, it is important to be cautious, set realistic goals, and manage expectations when dealing with RPA.
  • Think About Business Impact. It can be denied that RPA is often marketed as a mechanism that can boost the return of investment or reduce business costs. However, businesses should make use of this solution as a means to improve customer experience. For instance, some businesses employ thousands of customer service representatives, yet their customers are still waiting in queues to have their calls answered. Having a chatbot can help lessen the wait time.
  • Involve IT Early and Often. RPA often fail because they experience obstacles during implementation. To avoid this from happening, we should bring in the experts early on and often as they are needed.
  • Poor Planning and Management. RPA can also fail with poor planning and management. Some businesses rush to get something to be deployed and they overlook communication exchanges between several bots ultimately breaking business processes. Before you start implementing, it is important to map out, plan and think about the operating model design.
  • Project Governance is Essential. It is important to ensure that you have a monitoring system in place to check for obstacles impacting the performance of RPA. A business needs to have command and control if they want to have effective robotic process automation implementation.
  • Install an RPA Center of Excellence. One of the most successful RPA implementations includes having a center of excellence that is staffed with people who are solely responsible for ensuring efficiency programs become successful within the company.
  • Never Forget Its Impact on the People. Seeing these new and shiny solutions, some businesses tend to focus more on the implementation process and fail to see its impact on their employees. If this happens, there is a great chance of disruptions to employees’ daily tasks and business workflows.

RPA Solutions at Mphasis

Mphasis offers exceptional modernization services. They offer sustainable and continuous modernization programs that focus on the application of approaches, tools, and best practices to efficiently transition legacy capabilities and tasks to automated solutions. 

They analyze legacy applications in self-funded augmentations, with less IT overhead to reduce technical debt and manage change efficiently. This will help optimize the speed on the modernization while continuously delivering the real benefits in business.

Also, Mphasis offers simultaneous modernization of applications and optimization of maintenance costs and efforts. This style of approach will help reduce the total cost of ownership, rationalizes the business application portfolio, and offers immediate responses to business needs.

They have several years of accumulated domain and technology experiences enabling them to automate various aspects of the modernization process.

At Mphasis, they aim to provide only the best services. With their several years of experience, knowledge, and expertise, they can help you with your business’ modernization goals.

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