What to Expect from Next-Gen Infrastructure Solutions

Every company, no matter where in the world they are, aims to be more efficient and organized. In today’s fast-paced world, where almost everything is digitalized, businesses must always be “in the know” and updated to be competitive.

That’s why companies’ chief information officers or CIOs are always on the lookout to improve their IT infrastructure and enhance user experience. Their goal is to make their systems more resilient and productive. With everything online, businesses need to invest more in setting up good IT infrastructure.

The Next-Gen Infrastructure solutions are designed to meet these heavy requirements of enterprises. It’s essential to understand how different the innovations are compared to the previous solutions. You can expect more data-centric services, Artificial intelligence (AI) automation, cloud services, and stricter security.

What can you expect with the Next-Gen Infrastructure? Read on.

What Makes Next-Gen Infrastructure Different?

Information Technology (IT) is one of the fastest-paced industries. As global markets move to digitize operations, more corporations will shift to integrated solutions that are not as constricted as siloed systems. Next-Gen IT allows businesses to be faster, more reliable, and better connected.  

  • Interconnectivity is Priority

With the onset of hybrid work, systems need to be more accessible across different platforms and devices. Moreover, workforces are becoming more flexible. Barriers that slow the use of mobile internet connections, such as security and speed, are being addressed too.

Everything is on the cloud these days. If you need to move fast in your organization, you have to make it accessible to the right people. It also allows you to share private information more quickly, especially when you have mergers and deals that you need to review.

And it’s not just about making the cloud more accessible. The Next-Gen Infrastructure allows you to easily organize and access your information even if you’re working remotely.

  • Systems are More Secured

Since everything is more accessible, your information can be collected without your knowledge. There’s even a more significant risk of getting hacked now that most of everything we do is online. Security breaches can result in revealing sensitive company information or even endanger employees.

Businesses know the importance of investing in security and increasing protocols. But heavier security always involves bigger budgets. As integrated cloud environments become a norm, there’s more emphasis on upgrading security protocols to protect the online workspace from cyber attacks.

As more businesses move from non-cloud solutions, transitioning from one system to another will become more popular. To avoid a poor transition, companies will need to plan the move. It’s best to find solutions that can help you transition without losing any important data.  

  • Added Flexibility Without Sacrificing Simplicity

IT infrastructure is continually upgrading. Switching from one service to a new one is always one of the biggest challenges. As your needs grow, so will your infrastructure. But with the era of cloud storing, this old model is not reliable. Not only is it costly, but it also’s risky, creates more workload, and often has a lot of downtimes.

With Next-Gen Infrastructure, forklift upgrades might be a thing of the past. It allows the creation and leverage of solutions that efficiently manage capacity performance and scalability while staying agile.

By allowing businesses to scale resources more independently, costs are maintained without overloading workload capacity. Managing it is also easier and more straightforward, especially with hyper-converged infrastructure and infrastructure automation.

  • Higher Performance and Resiliency

The demands for IT infrastructure keep on growing and accelerating. What was the average demand five years ago can be considered basic these days. Each year, we generate more volume on data. With the rise of multi-cloud environments, we can expect more to come in the following years.

The requirements to keep up with the infrastructure must also be aligned with business objectives. Achieving no downtimes, no performance gaps, or disruptions might seem impossible, but keeping them as low as you can is enough to bring positive results to your business.

As multi-cloud environments become more popular, you can expect more models to be more resilient and keep up with performance. It will help you be more adaptable so you can create quick decisions for your business.

Mphasis InfraGenie: Your Gateway to Next-Gen Infrastructure Solutions

It’s important to look for IT infrastructure management solutions that are efficient, cost-effective, and resilient while being flexible and scalable. But it’s also necessary to find a solution to help you transition without complicating things. The solutions must be accessible to everyone in the office – may they be technically updated or not.

You can invest in the Next-Gen Infrastructure without disrupting your workflow. Mphasis has a dedicated team that provides you with an in-depth assessment, creates strategies, and supports you when you need it most.

With InfraGenie, the AI machine learning platform, transformation teams can perform at their best and help you optimize your business quickly.

InfraGenie uses AI in the platform to automate activities, lessen manual work, and predict incidents. With this complete solution, you can keep your performance at its best while you reduce your operational costs.

It helps you deliver quicker responses to service requests without compromising your delivery to your end user’s experience. Using the hybrid infrastructure, you can expect end-to-end management and integration. You’ll no longer need to make an application-based approach or rely on slower, siloed infrastructures.

Mphasis allows you to:

  • Automate your admin tasks and lessen manual intervention
  • Reduce IT costs and workload
  • Delivery responses more quickly
  • Integrate and manage your business through the platform
  • Seamlessly transition and use infrastructure services and applications
  • Provide more security on private and sensitive data


Integrating businesses with operational processes is a necessity, especially with hybrid working. IT infrastructures are constantly evolving, but upgrading every single time can be costly and disrupt operations. With the Next-Gen Infrastructure, there’s more emphasis on creating systems that allow organizations to work seamlessly with more flexibility and agility without sacrificing efficiency.

Investing in excellent and reliable IT infrastructure management solutions is a great way to keep your organization updated and easier to manage without spending more on budget.

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