How Does Cloud Technology Work

In this digital age where knowledge drives economics, how we share information determines the extent of our success. Big developments have been made along the way, but the real game-changer is the appearance of cloud technology solutions.

The way information is stored and shared has been redefined by cloud computing and technology. However, despite it being a widely known innovative solution, not a lot of people understand how it really works.

What Is Cloud Technology

It’s important to know what exactly cloud technology is first, before figuring out how it works.

The cloud is essentially a virtual storage space where people can keep different digital resources such as applications, files and software. It can be easy to mistake the cloud for the internet but the cloud is only a part of the internet.

With cloud computing, people can not only store their digital resources but can share them too, without having to worry about physical limitations.

How Does Cloud Technology Work?

Cloud technology works through data centers. Your information is stored in virtual servers instead of using the space on your computer, phone or tablet. The virtual servers are then connected to huge data centers that are meant to store and protect your data.

With cloud technology comes the emergence of cloud hosting. Cloud computing companies are now able to host their own cloud services. These services can either be private or public, depending on your needs.

  • Private cloud – as the name suggests, private clouds are only exclusive to a specific to specific businesses and organizations. You can find the IT infrastructure located in either the cloud provider’s own data center or on company property.

Private clouds are recommended for companies with high security and compliance requirements because it offers a heightened level of protection. However, private cloud technology also requires more work to maintain and manage.

  • Public cloud – on the other hand, anyone can access public clouds. These infrastructures offered to the public are owned by third-party vendors and have different businesses sharing them. For instance, Gmail is accessible to anyone and many companies use it.

This type of cloud service is ideal for start-ups and businesses that do not have any strong security requirements. Businesses are able to benefit from this cloud without having to allocate a lot of manpower and money to keep it running.

Public and private clouds also have different branches namely PaaS, IaaS and SaaS.

  • PaaS

Platform as a Service or PaaS provides businesses with the tools they need for testing and developing applications. Developers are able to focus on the bigger picture while the PaaS provider makes sure that the system is functioning properly.

  • IaaS

Infrastructure as a Service is a virtualized version of traditional infrastructure. This type of cloud technology brings servers, networking equipment and storage to the cloud. With IaaS, you no longer have to worry about investing in more IT spaces as your business expands and grows.

  • SaaS

With Software as a Service or SaaS, the programs you need are delivered to you. The only thing your company needs to do is subscribe to the service. Some examples of SaaS providers include Salesforce and Microsoft 365.

Benefits Of Cloud Technology

The hype around cloud technology is well-deserved considering the number of benefits they’re able to bring to the table, which include:

  • Improved storage

Cloud storage does not have the limitations that physical devices suffer from. In fact, it does not have any limits on its capacity. This means you don’t need to worry about upgrading devices in order to have better storage.

  • Improved collaboration

Working with people from multiple remote locations has become a trend in the economy these days. With cloud technology, sharing and accessing digital resources from anywhere around the world has become easier. This improves collaboration between remote teams.

  • Disaster recovery

Investing in disaster recovery protocols is critical for any business. However, small companies may lack the money and expertise to do this. Cloud technology offers small companies a cost-effective and hassle-free way to implement backup and recovery solutions.

  • Improved scalability

Companies tend to have fluctuating bandwidth requirements. Cloud is an ideal tool for them as it lets them draw on remote servers to scale up when needed. It also lets them easily scale down when they need to.

  • Improve cost-effectiveness

With cloud technology, there is no longer any need for physical storage hardware. This, in turn, lessens the capital expenses for companies. Those funds can then be used instead on innovation or research and development.

It especially benefits smaller companies that are still trying to find their footing and may struggle with buying software. The software the cloud offers on a pay-per-use basis can be a great alternative. It’s similar to leasing out a service instead of directly buying it.

Mphasis For Cloud Solutions

With the number of advantages that cloud technology can offer to companies, it’s no surprise that it has gained popularity at such a rapid pace. Compared to on-site server installations, it is more cost-effective and is also able to offer faster service than a traditional installation.

Mphasis is the best choice for simplifying and improving your cloud technology. With over thirty years of experience developing, transforming and managing applications, we have become a trusted partner in the field.

With our secure data centers, you can have access to what you need, when you need it. With our new low-cost, consumption-based models, clients are guaranteed more cost-effective solutions.

When you’re ready to take the next step in cloud technology, Mphasis is here for you. With our team of IT professionals, we are able to deliver superior IT solutions to clients and fulfill all their technology needs. Clients are given access to the next generation of IT talent, as well as the innovative automation capabilities that are needed to modernize and transform their applications. This allows them to run on leading private and public cloud providers.

Get in touch with Mphasis and we can optimize your cloud technology to spearhead your business growth.

Cloud Technology – Understanding What This Technology has to Offer

Cloud technology is referred to as the delivery of various services including tools, applications, servers, databases, software, and networking through the internet. The use of cloud-based storage will make it possible to save, store, and access data from a remote database. As long as an electronic device has access to the internet, it will have access to data and the software programs that uses it. Due to its accessibility, availability, convenience, and other great benefits, cloud technology is a very popular option for businesses.

Cloud service providers enable users to store data and applications in remote servers and allow them to access these stored data using the internet. Users do not have to be in a specific place just to access the data as long there is internet access, enabling working remotely a possibility.

Types of Cloud Services

Cloud computing technology can be either private or public. Public cloud services provide services to anyone over the internet for a fee. On the other hand, private cloud service providers provide services to a certain number of people.

A hybrid cloud is also available where both public and private services are provided. It is a combination of services that allows the user more flexibility when it comes to the services and optimization of infrastructure and security.

Newer models have become available and they include big data cloud, multi-cloud, and community cloud.

Different Types of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a system that is composed of three services.

  • Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is associated with the licensure of a software application, provided to users as a pay-as-you-go or on-demand model.
  • Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) is associated with the method of delivering various services including operating systems, storage, and servers through IP-based connectivity, which is part of on-demand services. Clients do not have to purchase servers or software anymore. Instead, they purchase these resources as an outsourced and on-demand service.
  • Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) is referred to as the most complex of the three services provided in cloud computing technology. While it is closely related to SaaS, their main difference is that instead of delivering software, this is a platform that helps create software delivered via the web.

Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing Technology 

Cloud services offer numerous benefits. It is more than just a file or data accessibility. This type of technology also offers cost-saving benefits. Before cloud computing came, companies needed to purchase, create, and maintain expensive information management technology and its corresponding infrastructure. With cloud technology, businesses can skip the costly IT infrastructure and opt for a fast internet connection and cloud technology, allowing their employees to work faster and access data online anytime anywhere.

The cloud infrastructure will enable companies to store large data and easily upgrade their software to keep up to date with the industry’s changing needs and demands.

Like any other advancement, cloud technology also has some cons. Considering the speed, innovations, and efficiencies of cloud technology, it will also come with risks. One of the biggest concerns of this technology is security, especially when it comes to financial information and medical records. Regulations have been put in place to remedy this risk and cloud computing services are tasked to improve their security and compliance measures.

Cloud computing service providers may fall victim to natural disasters and power outages as well. Problems occurring in areas where these service providers are based may cause outages in companies acquiring their services even when they are on the other side of the world.

Another important aspect to consider with cloud computing is the learning curve of business employees and managers. With multiple people trying to access the cloud all at once, inadvertent mistakes can occur from one system to another.

Cloud Technology at Mphasis

If you are looking for a reliable cloud computing service provider, Mphasis is the provider for you! They have a comprehensive program. Anything to Cloud (ATC) provides application transformation along with cloud-based services to their clients.

They offer an end-to-end framework for the assessment, planning, and execution of application migrations to the cloud. The great thing about their program is that they follow a structured approach with efficient tools that help modernize applications along with customer-facing applications.

With the help of ATC, Mphasis can effectively manage applications on the cloud through its hybrid application management services. They are also able to provide rapid development of cloud-native applications.

Mphasis has a team of experts that can guide businesses from start to end. They provide advice and help businesses formulate a comprehensive plan for their cloud computing transformation journey. They can help transform businesses with their ready-to-use platforms, cloud maps, and processes, making businesses future-ready. Lastly, they can help with efficient management as they provide extensive support, control, monitoring, training, and deployment services to optimize their client’s journey and success in digital transformation.

Mphasis has the edge of providing exceptional services with their experience of over 30 years in the development, transformation, and management of applications. They have unrivaled transformation capabilities allowing them to lead through end-to-end cycles across technologies and industries. They have the right tools and the right plan for your business’ success.

What Makes Cloud Services Popular

Computing is a fundamental human need. We all need to be able to access data, applications and other resources via the internet. This is why the concept of cloud computing keeps getting popular day after day. Any business with an internet presence will want to consider using some cloud services. But why exactly? What are these services and what makes them so popular?

Here are some factors that contribute to the popularity of cloud services.


One of the main reasons why people love cloud services is their scalability. With many different applications and services, it’s easy for your business to run across multiple platforms.

With the help of cloud computing, you can use one platform to host all of your applications while still having access to all your data in one centralized location. This helps organizations save time and money by not having to build out multiple websites or apps on each platform.

If you want to start a small business or want to grow it into a big one, then you need to be able to scale up as much as your company grows. A cloud solution will allow you to do that easily and quickly. You don’t have to worry about buying new servers or investing in software development.

Cost efficient

Cloud computing is an extremely cost-effective solution for businesses because it allows them to utilize resources on demand rather than having them sit idle when not needed. By utilizing virtual servers, you can create new servers whenever needed.

Cloud services such as Mphasis are cost-efficient because they enable businesses to avoid paying for redundant hardware and software systems. You don’t have to buy expensive servers, storage systems, and other components that you do not need anymore after launching your website on the cloud.

These costs are absorbed by the service provider itself and even if there is a higher cost per hour than on-premises solutions, it will be much cheaper than buying new hardware for every new website launch.

Anytime Anywhere Accessibility

With cloud technology, businesses can access their data from any location at any time even if they’re away from their office or home office. This means that employees no longer have to worry about logging in at an inconvenient time or waiting days after backing up important files just to access them again later on.

In fact, many companies now offer remote access options so employees can work from home whenever they want without having to worry about data loss or theft or even having the option of working from their local coffee shop.


The flexibility of cloud services is a huge benefit for businesses. It allows them to be more productive and eliminate costly infrastructure investments that are not necessary anymore.

They allow you to use them on demand, so you can start using them now and stop if you don’t need them anymore. You can use the same set of tools across multiple services without having to buy them again or transfer data from one service to another.

If you’re looking for flexibility, cloud-based services offer the ability to scale up and down as needed, giving you more resources as your business grows or scales back. With cloud-based software, you can easily add new features or update existing ones with just a few keystrokes.

You can also set them up so that they automatically refresh themselves regularly so that they stay current with the latest updates.

The benefits of cloud services are not limited to business owners alone; they also apply to employees who need to work at home or travel frequently.

For example, a student with a full-time job but who still needs to complete their studies can use the flexibility of cloud services to get what needs to be done without having to worry about setting up a computer at home or going out for lunch during school hours.


Cloud technology makes it easy to find the right tool for the job, whether you need a high-performance computing environment or a simple user interface for managing your files. They eliminate a lot of tedious legwork and help you focus on what’s important for your business rather than on the details of how your systems work.

Cloud services also have an advantage over their on-premises counterparts because they’re easy to back up and restore. If something goes wrong with your organization’s data center, all you need to do is connect it back to the cloud and start paying for storage space again.

This minimizes downtime caused by unexpected hardware needs or other unforeseen issues that could potentially cause problems for your business operations.


The most important reason why people choose cloud services is the reliability of the service. They can be very reliable, but they also need to be backed up and maintained in case anything goes wrong.

The main advantage of using cloud services is reliability, which will not be affected by natural disasters or power outages. The cloud provides high availability because there are multiple backup options in case one fails. The cloud also allows you to scale up when needed and down during periods of low use.


Another reason why people love using cloud services is that cloud technology offers collaboration features. For instance, when using Mphasis, you can collaborate with other users and share documents easily, making it easier for you to create a website or another form of digital content.

You can work on your project with other people who have access to the same system as you do. This makes it easy for everyone involved to get their work done and move on to another task.

Bottom line

In short, cloud services are popular because they offer something that many people have wanted for years: the convenience of accessing your information from anywhere. And with business cloud services, you don’t have to worry about setting everything up on your end, so long as you know how to log into the dashboard.  

Ultimately, the best reason to go with a cloud service is going to be because it makes things easier for you, and all you really have to do is use it when you need it.

Gearing Towards Successful Digitalization with Cloud Computing Services

Cloud computing is anything that involves delivering hosted services through the internet. Such services are categorized into three main types: software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).

A cloud can either be private or public. Private cloud supplies hosted service to a limited number of people, with specific access and permission settings. On the other hand, a public cloud sells cloud services to anyone. Regardless of the type of cloud, they have the same goal which is to provide scalable access to IT services and cloud computing resources.

Does Your Business Need Cloud Computing?

The pace of innovation across all industries is increasing and there is a need to match this with reliable and efficient cloud computing services. This makes this IT solution a viable option to promote productivity and improve performance through advancing research and speeding up product development.

This type of IT solution provides businesses with scalable resources along with the latest innovations without having to worry about limited infrastructure and additional expenses.

Cloud computing service is expected to dominate the IT environment across all industries in the next couple of years, as it is currently moving in that direction. So, should your business take the same direction?

A lot of businesses will benefit from investing in cloud computing services and taking a step in their digitalization journey. If your business experiences high business growth that overtakes infrastructure capabilities, has low utilization of present infrastructure resources and has large data volumes that overwhelm on-premise storage resources then your business will definitely benefit from investing in efficient cloud computing services.

Businesses showing delayed responses with on-premise infrastructures, cash flow challenges due to expensive fees of computing infrastructures, and delayed product development phases can also benefit from cloud computing services.

Benefits of Cloud Computing Services

Cloud computing is very different from the traditional way many businesses think about digitalization and IT resources. Moreover, it offers numerous benefits as well. Here are some of them:

  • Global Scale. Cloud computing enables businesses to scale elastically and even globally while delivering the right amount of IT services when needed and wherever they may be needed.
  • Cost. Cloud computing helps businesses save money as it eliminates the need to buy software and hardware, set them up, and run on-site data centers. Additionally, this type of IT solution eliminates costs for the electricity for round-the-clock power and cooling and IT experts handling the infrastructure.
  • Productivity. Cloud computing services remove the need for tedious tasks like software patching, hardware setup, and other laborious IT management task, allowing businesses to focus more on achieving more important business goals.
  • Speed. Cloud computing offers speed since they are provided as self-service and on-demand, allowing computing resources to be provisioned in just a few clicks. This provides businesses flexibility and ultimately takes the pressure off the capacity planning phase.
  • Reliability. Cloud computing services are reliable with their provisions for data backup and disaster recovery, making business continuity easier and cheaper.
  • Performance. This IT solution enables businesses to perform to their best capacity, as it runs on a large network of secure data centers.
  • Security. This IT solution offers security, with its broad set of policies, technologies, and controls, allowing businesses to strengthen security, protect their business data, and still provide exceptional services to the end-users.

Cloud Computing Services and Their Applications

Cloud computing offers a wide range of possible applications and some of these applications include:

  • Data Storage. This IT solution allows businesses to store large volumes of data without compromising its accessibility.
  • Disaster Recovery. Cloud computing allows businesses to safely back up their data and other digital assets without the need to build more data centers to ensure business continuity.
  • Big Data Analytics. Another use for cloud computing services is the unlimited resources that allow businesses to process large volumes of data to reduce time to insight and speed up research and development.
  • Infrastructure Scaling. This allows businesses to accommodate fluctuations when there is a need for computing capacity.
  • Application Development. Cloud computing service allows developers to access tools and platforms for developing and testing business applications, allowing businesses to speed up the completion of applications.

MPhasis and the Success They Guarantee 

MPhasis have always provided only the best-in-class solutions to their clients to help them with their digital transformation journey. They have a host of experts and innovative tools that provide exceptional end-to-end cloud computing services.

They have partnered with industry leaders to deliver quality services and guarantee success to their clients. They offer a comprehensive suite of services that will help businesses to innovate and grow. Some of the services they offer include detailed cloud assessment, cloud adaption strategy, security strategy, migration transformation, business value, and hybrid IT architecture. They are also experts in cloud transformation services, cloud operations, and cloud engineering. 

What Kinds of Services Do You Get from Cloud Computing Services

Using Cloud technology has now become the standard for companies to access all kinds of hardware, software, and infrastructure resources. With Cloud computing, various computing services such as software, servers, networking, databases, analytics, storage, and intelligence can now be delivered with less cost for companies compared to having their own IT infrastructure.

Cloud computing services are now transforming the way public and private organizations use information technology. These days, there is a wide range of cloud computing services that are able to comply with any IT requirements.

Understanding what these different types of cloud computing services can offer is essential for enterprises entering the cloud world. Although there are a variety of these services available, they all share basic features and advantages.

These services are categorized into four types. Big or small enterprises are able to manage their data efficiently by taking advantage of the services offered by the following:

Infrastructure as a Service

With this service, an external provider is responsible for providing and managing the hardware resources for you. Users of this service are given access to different computing resources like processing power, networking, and data storage capacity.

IaaS provides assistance to customers to use virtual machines or computing power that lack server management or labor-intensive hardware investments. The hardware resources are physically pulled from the different servers and networks distributed across data centers that are managed by the cloud service provider.

For instance, a user who wants a Linux system will be given access to it through IaaS without worrying about the networking of the physical system that Linux is installed in.

Cloud infrastructure services allow you to save both your time and money, with most of the hardware set up and support already covered by the service provider. There is also no wastage of unused resources or any delays on adding new ones since resources are already available on demand.

Some examples of this type of computing service include Windows Azure, Rackspace, Amazon EC2, and Google Computer Engine.

Platform as a Service

This is the more advanced version of the previously mentioned type of computing service. Not only does it provide IT infrastructure, but it also offers the solution stack and computing platform as a service. Developers are provided with a framework that they can make use of when customizing their own applications.

Software developers won’t have to stress over data serving, data storage, and management with PaaS. It also makes it easy for non-professionals to create and develop their own applications.

Users won’t have to update or upgrade the infrastructure regularly since the PaaS service provider is responsible for handling all the upgrades, update patches, and the usual software maintenance.

Investing in physical infrastructure or having the expertise typically required for management is not needed for this type of computing service.

Platform as a Service typically consists of OS, environment for server-side scripting, network access, server software, hosting solutions, software tools for design and development, DBMS, storage, and support.

Some examples of PaaS are AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Google App Engine, OpenShift, Microsoft Azure, and Apache Stratos.

Functions as a Service

It’s important to understand what serverless computing is before even trying to understand what Functions as a Service is. Serverless computing is a model of cloud computing. It’s able to remove low-quality and low-level decisions made by the developer for infrastructure and server management.

FaaS is still a relatively new cloud computing service, but it has already become a game-changer for many establishments. With its serverless computing concept, developers get to develop applications and install a piece of business logic, an individual function, or any action that allows them to maintain the service.

The fact that it is hosted externally allows developers to increase their efficiency and not have to worry about server operations.

With Functions as Service, money is never wasted because you only pay for the amount of functionality you used. Instead of having to deal with the logistics of servers, developers are able to pour all of their focus on writing logic specific to their applications.

Some examples of Functions as a Service include Microsoft Azure Functions,, AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Function.

Software as a Service

This is a special type of computing service as it incorporates two of the previously mentioned cloud services: Infrastructure as a Service and Platform as a Service. With Software as a Service, application-level services are tailored to comply with different business needs like CRM, business analytics or marketing automation.

SaaS also offers web-based software applications on demand to users. Providers of this cloud computing service use a browser-based interface to host a fully functional application and give users access to it through the internet.

The cloud can be leveraged with SaaS for software architecture, reducing the overhead of maintenance, support, and operations, since the applications are run using the vendor’s systems.

This type of service is also subscription based where users can subscribe and pay for the software on a monthly basis instead of purchasing it upfront. People are more familiar with this computing service since it has applications like Gmail, Dropbox, and Netflix.

This software also automatically updates without charging you extra for it. It has cross-device compatibility since the applications using this computing service are easily accessible through the internet and with any device.

Some examples of this type of cloud computing service include Zoho CRM, Microsoft Office 365, SAP Business ByDesign, AppDynamics, and Pardot Marketing Automation.

Final Words

Cloud computing services are extremely beneficial to businesses because of their ability to help them cut down on costs while still improving efficiency. It’s possible for them to adopt more than one cloud computing service, depending on their areas of expertise, requirements, business process, and other things that can affect their choice.

For those interested in learning more about cloud services, Mphasis is able to provide cloud consulting services and in-depth expertise, offering you the support and knowledge you need to transform the technology of your business.

We wok with different industry leaders for all types of cloud computing services such as Pivotal, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure. A comprehensive suite of cloud computing services is also offered to help you innovate.

Cloud Computing Services

Cloud computing is a quicker and innovative computing service that offers storage, analytics, intelligence, networking, servers, and databases through the cloud.

Mphasis, believes that businesses can provide digital experiences to their clients by using the cloud and perception. These tools help speed up and advance modern technology across diverse enterprises.

Cloud Computing Services

We understand that the art of offering personalized goods and services using the cloud will shift various industries into the digital world. That is why we provide an end-to-end suite for cloud computing services. As a result, a holistic approach is achieved in businesses.

Mphasis can satisfy their clients in all ways through the following:

  1. Front2BackTM Transformation

Our firm can transform your business by applying a unique framework, specifically, X2C2TM. The performance is usually possible due to the use of a familiar exponential power, i.e., cloud and cognitive.

  • Cloud Solution Partnerships

We have strived to create partnerships with leading providers of cloud solutions. This allows us to provide high-quality services like:

  • Migration and management of ongoing data
  • Recommendation, evaluation, implementation, and identification of specific platforms
  • Management of cloud-based notifications
  • Data implementation and strategies
  • IoT analytics and integration solutions
  • Skills

Our firm has expertise in migration services, engineering, and applying cloud operations. We offer over 1600 training services as well as Wintel, DBA, and UNIX/LINUX among other certified resources.

Hybrid Cloud Services

Before we get to hybrid cloud services, let us look at the four main types of cloud computing. These include:

  1. Private clouds

These are clouds that are set aside for a single client or group. Nowadays, private clouds have created various subtypes including, dedicated clouds and managed private clouds.

  • Public clouds

These are clouds that are partitioned to numerous users and are made from IT facilities.

  • Hybrid clouds

Hybrid clouds are created from single IT facilities for multiple users and then brought together by local area networks, virtual private networks, and wide area networks.

  • Multiclouds

The last on the list are multi-clouds, which are made up of more than one cloud. A point to note is that all hybrids are multi-clouds, but not all multi-clouds are hybrids.

Unlocking the Cloud Infrastructure with Mphasis

Fortunately, it does not matter the stage you are in your cloud transition process, since we are willing to partner up with you, whenever you require cloud services.

With an end-to-end hybrid cloud service, we are confident that your business will easily and quickly move to the next level. A sturdy and future-ready cloud service also comes in handy during the integration of your industry and cloud technology.

Conclusively, we can assist you in the following:

  • Cutting huge costs by offering a solution to specific requirements
  • Enabling SLAs, delivery, and next-generation IT-related capabilities
  • Receiving vendor-agnostic services
  • Enabling long-lasting management of public and private clouds
  • Receiving improved governance and optimization by recruiting the ideal framework
  • Managing your hybrid cloud information, which is connected by a ‘single pane of view’

Cloud Technology –

Anything To Cloud Services

Anything to Cloud (ATC) allows your business to transform by using services related to the cloud. To achieve this, a unique framework known as Front2BackTM is applied for your customers to enjoy modern services.

With that said, our firm guides its clients through three different stages. These include:

  1. Advice

This can be done through assessing portfolios, diagnostics and workshops, which enable us to shift your foundation to modern levels.

  • Transformation services

After, your business will be ready for the ultimate transformation. Usually, the process is hastened by applying ready-to-use platforms, industrialized firms, and cloud maps.

  • Management services

The final stage is management where we provide you with our extensive services in terms of deployment procedures, monitoring, support, training coordination, and control.

Benefits of using Mphasis for Application Transformation

  1. Highly experienced

We have over 30 years of experience in offering transformation, development, and management services to our clients.

  • Save on money

Our firm has introduced new strategies to our clients that save on cash, unlike the traditional full-time equivalent ways.

  • Highly qualified

Mphasis has high-quality skills that help achieve modernized foundations. As a result, our DXC clients create an automatic collaboration with us, which later accelerates access to the next-gen IT.

  • Provides rapid business transformations

Our collaboration with DXC clients further enables quicker transformations by providing support to your cloud application journey.

  • Accelerates the transformation period

Our firm is known to accelerate the transformation process by leveraging proven migration strategies and automation.

  • Ability to transform business

With our end-to-end cycles, we have the skills to apply cloud technology to your business so you can enjoy the benefits of transitioning to the modern world.


Firstly, we have worked with a South Asian government agency and helped them achieve high redundancy and decelerated the total cost of ownership by 30%. This was extensively based on scalability, consolidation, and cloud transformation.

We have also helped a US logistics service giver to use a multi-year transition for next-generation services and enable oriented architecture services, including other technological advancements.

This process later reduces the total footprint thus lowering efforts by 80%.

We also worked with a huge European bank for transformation and data center consolidation services. Our firm was able to help them in the process of migrating certain applications by rationalizing the data center. As a result, we enabled the reduction of OPEX and CAPEX costs.

Lastly, we were able to collaborate with a powerful telecommunication industry where we provided solutions to commission management problems.

As a result, we were able to gain commission payouts of around 35% of the savings, a reduction of up to 32% support headcount, and did away with errors and loss of time and money during manual procedures.


Today, technological innovations are key to succeeding in the competition of the modern world. That is why Mphasis was established to guide you during your cloud computing transformation.

As of now, Mphasis is at the forefront of improving businesses by accelerating your cloud transition journey. Moreover, it is an enterprise that is fast-growing by focusing on cloud ecosystem solutions.

Top Benefits of Cloud Computing Services

Cloud computing services have proven to be highly useful over the past few years. Studies show that there can be numerous benefits of moving your business to the cloud. If you have always wanted to create a virtual office, this can be all you need. But what is a cloud computing service? How can it be necessary for your business in the long run? If you have similar questions,  , we can help you with the answers. Continue to read this article and find out how you may be able to make the most of these services for your business.

1. Decreased IT Costs

You can exponentially decrease your IT costs by transferring your business to cloud computing services. It may also help maintain and manage the IT systems without any hindrance. So, you do not have to spend a fortune on buying expensive technologies and worrying about accessing them all on your own. The other benefits include reduced cost of energy consumption, and leaner IT staffing, making it much more affordable for you. This also decreases the constant stress of keeping up with the IT infrastructure costs from time to time.

2. Business Persistence

Today, it is essential to safeguard your data systems and make the most of business continuity planning. So, it does not matter what type of problem you may have to face. As the cloud preserves all your data, you can rest assured that your data is in safe hands. They will be in the same secure condition as ever so that you can use them in your comfort without worrying about anything at all. So, if you want to restart using them after a long holiday, your business does not have to wait for long hours. This ensures business continuity irrespective of any situation.

3. Automatic Update Accessibility

The service fee that you pay for your cloud computing services will also include automatic updates. This helps make sure that your software is always backed up with the right updates and the latest upgrades. It will also affect the speed at which your system will begin to function. Apart from this, these services may help update the latest software versions on your device, improve computer processing power, and empower the latest servers. So, you do not face any hindrance at all regarding anything you need.

4. Collaboration Efficiency

The traditional methods of storing business data did not allow you to seamlessly interact and engage in a collaborative environment. However, with cloud computing services, you can boost collaborative efficiency with its ability to communicate and share resources much more conveniently. So, if you are working on a form of the project from diverse locations, you can still be able to access the same file with your entire team. This may include staff, employees, and other members of the team. So, your business does not have to stop, no matter where you are.

5. Work Flexibility

Cloud computing services are the best solution if you wish to make your work more flexible. With them at hand, you can access data remotely at any given point in time. This feature is not available when you work from a physical workplace. You can only access your work and deal with the tasks when you are there. However, with this flexibility in a cloud workspace, you can manage your time as per your preference and work without any external pressure. You can also choose to keep in touch with your office work as quickly or as slowly as you want. You can easily control the pace.

6. Scalability

It is very important that the business can adjust to the situation when you cannot physically be there to manage it. As such, it should have the potential to either scale upwards or downwards depending on the requirement. With cloud computing services, it only gets easier than ever. So, you need not have to buy expensive tools and systems to manage this on your own. The cloud computing services provider that you choose for your business can help you deal with this without any second thought. As you make the most of cloud services, it can help free up a large chunk of your time and get your business running smoothly.

7. Security

All the standout cloud computing services come along with one major benefit- Security. Yes, cloud computing is so reliable and used by thousands of businesses across the globe today because it promises to be highly secure. The files are encrypted, which prevents cybercrimes to a considerable extent. More importantly, any cloud host who will take care of your computing services will ensure that your system is free from any form of IT concerns that may arise from cyber theft. So, you do not have to worry about anything at all.

The Best Cloud Computing Service at Mphasis

Today, there are numerous cloud computing service providers across the globe. However, not all of them can promise the good results that are needed to make your business run efficiently. With Mphasis, you can make the change possible in no time. Mphasis features a team of talented professionals who work as top-class cloud computing service providers for you anywhere you want. They understand your business requirements and customize the cloud services accordingly for you.

Service & Offerings from Mphasis

Mphasis makes the most of top cloud computing technology to adhere to your business requirements. Today, Mphasis provides a plethora of services to mushroom your business growth via the cloud. Next-gen data, cyber security, Application modernization, next-gen IT Ops, DevOps, and NextOps are some of the many services they have to offer. You may also be able to make the most of XaaP (Everything-as-a-Platform) as per the requirement. We recommend Mphasis if you are looking for a standout team for cloud computing services.

Why Are Cloud Services A Necessity Today?

Cloud services are platforms, infrastructure hosted by third-party providers and made available to the users through the Internet. Cloud solutions help user data flow through the Internet to the provider’s system. Users can access cloud services with computers, operating systems, good internet connectivity, and a virtual private network [VPN].

Cloud computing services are infrastructure, platforms, or software technologies that users can use through the Internet without any additional software downloads. Clouds are information technology environments that draw and share potential resources across a network. They also help in cloud computing, which runs the workload within a cloud environment.

How Do Cloud Services Work?

Cloud services rely on hardware and software technology like any other technology solution. Unlike hardware and software solutions, for cloud services to work, the user only requires a computer, network connection, and operating system to access cloud services.

The front end of cloud services allows the user to access stored data in the cloud using cloud computing software. The back end of cloud services is responsible for securing stored data information. It contains servers, computers, databases, and central servers. Any cloud technology provider keeps more than one copy of data to mitigate security threats, data loss, or breaches of data.

Cloud Infrastructure Services

When a user applies with a cloud infrastructure, cloud solution providers disable the computing capabilities from the hardware elements such as :

  • Processing power from the Central Processing Unit.
  • Dynamic memory from Random Access Memory chips.
  • Graphics processing from the Graphics Processing Unit.
  • Data storage from data centers or any hard drive.

This separation is done via a virtual machine. Once detached, the storage, compute, and networking elements are provided as infrastructure to the users through the Internet. This type of cloud computing service has raised cloud storage which can store large data as a part of the Internet of Things.

Benefits Of Cloud Computing

Sources suggest that nearly 94% of the business have claimed that their security has improvised after switching to the cloud. Also, 91% of businesses say that cloud technology has made it easier to meet government compliance requirements.

Here are some important benefits of cloud computing to follow-

  1. Cost-saving
  2. Improvised security
  3. Better flexibility
  4. Enhanced mobility
  5. Insights
  6. Increased collaboration
  7. Control over quality
  8. Recovery for disaster
  9. Prevention of losses
  10. Upgradation of automatic software
  11. Competitive edge
  12.  Sustainability.

The operation of cloud computing is similar to the principle of web-based email clients, and it allows users to access all the features and files without keeping the large data on their computer. Gmail, Google Drive, TurboTax, Facebook, and Instagram are famous cloud-based applications. Apart from being useful for personal use, they are of more value to the businesses that need access to large data over a secured and online network collection.

Cloud Software

Cloud service providers provide cloud computing packages,  known as cloud software SaaS. This particular full web application requires high development investment as a cloud provider offers an online application to the customers. Cloud software can be given to the customer by giving a cloud-native approach. A cloud-native approach combines small, independent, and loosely coupled microservices.

Hypertext MarkUp language 5 [HTML5] is a proper programming language for all online applications, mobile applications, and SaaS products. This particular language incorporates three other programming languages to create applications that can be easily accessible in a web browser. These are as follows:

  • HTML: adds content to web pages
  • Cascading Style Sheet [CSS]: adds presentation element to website content.
  • JavaScript: adds interactive elements to website content.

Cloud Platforms

Cloud technology providers can use hardware resources also to create cloud platforms. These cloud platforms are online environments that enable the user to develop code or run applications. Cloud platforms are a type of PaaS, and the infrastructure components which are highly scalable and shareable are considered a cloud. Some best examples of PaaS clouds are public clouds and managed private clouds.

Incorporation of technologies like containerization, orchestration, application programming interfaces, routing, security, management, and automation is also required to provide a cloud platform. To create a navigable online experience, user experience design [UX] is also an important factor. For building a cloud platform, just drawing out a computer’s hardware components is not sufficient. It also includes providing cloud infrastructure services.

The Bottom Line

The term cloud computing has gained widespread popularity over the last few years. With the rapid increase in the organization’s data, it is becoming difficult for them to maintain the same on their in-house computer server. The only solution to this problem is cloud computing service packages which have recently gained recognition for businesses.

Businesses with large stored data have difficulty maintaining the same on their hardware, software solutions, and cloud services can be the savior in such cases. So, keep reading this article for more information. We promise; it will help you in need.

5 Benefits Of Cloud Computing Services For Businesses

Cloud computing has become a popular choice for most businesses, from startups to established companies. Cloud migration offers many advantages, including workload efficiency and cost savings. Cloud computing can be integrated into the world of modern business in a variety of ways. Read this article to learn about the advantages of cloud computing services for businesses.

1.   Cost Saving 

Most companies switch to the cloud because of saving costs. In fact, small companies are switching to cloud services for data storage because of this reason. Cost savings related to cloud computing manifests in a variety of ways. Most cloud computing services hosted by third-party service providers charge on a per-user basis. The expenses depend on the number of people requiring access to the cloud.

Traditional servers used to charge a flat amount no matter the number of users. This can be a significant benefit in cutting down expenses for small startups. Cloud computing is not at all labour-intensive as opposed to traditional servers. It can also reduce the number of IT FTEs needed to maintain the servers.

With cloud service providers, all maintenance issues will be handled easily. You won’t have to hire people from outside to ensure that everything is working smoothly. Private cloud platforms are often thought to be expensive. However, this is not always the case. Some private cloud providers include other services within the per-user cost. It provides internet bills, security, help desk services and additional general support.

2.   Mobility 

Mobility is considered to be an appealing aspect of cloud computing services. In traditional services, data and software options are available only physically at the place of business. However, cloud computing resources can make files, applications, data and programs available from anywhere. Only an internet connection is required to access data on devices such as mobile phones and laptops.

Mobility in terms of data access also helps in increasing workload efficiency. Businesses benefit from the ability to access everything from financial data to customer data. Employees are able to work from anywhere with increased flexibility and productivity. Thus, cloud computing has become advantageous for companies favouring remote work.

Companies are not required to provide seating space to all their employees. As a result, they are able to cut down on electricity bills and rental property size. Moreover, it also aids customer satisfaction. With customers and clients having better access to data, their loyalty to your brand will increase.

3.   Security 

Keeping your data safe becomes challenging with the threats of hackers and viruses. Protection becomes even more critical when you are storing your data on cloud servers. However, cloud technology is equipped with securing your data. Most small and big cloud services prioritize data security in a way that you can’t.

Businesses without large-scale security solutions need not worry about protecting their data. Cloud service providers offer security protection that is otherwise unavailable. Public and private cloud service providers cannot lose customers due to security concerns. So, they ensure that the best security is provided.

Some security measures taken by cloud service providers are multi-factor authentication, security certificate and patch management. Public cloud services might offer you less control over security measures. However, public cloud service providers ensure that the company’s goals and objectives are adhered to.

4.   Scalability

Every business has its individual growth plans. Traditional servers have hindered the growth of companies in many ways. Further expansion of standard servers is burdensome and not at all cost-efficient. Upgrading will imply the need for larger storage space. Cloud computing services alleviates the problem of expansion.

The model grows with the growth of the company. It can even be downsized if things don’t work out for the business. Cloud computing is free from the worries of getting a larger storage space. Moreover, it is also cost-effective even with future plans in mind.

As you already know, cloud services work on a per user basis. So, storage space needs to be allocated accordingly. Public clouds can support hundreds of companies. This ensures that no size issues are experienced despite the needs.

Private clouds can be a little confusing if you try to host them yourself. But when hosted by third parties, even private clouds can allow scaling abilities similar to public clouds. The best part about cloud service is that it maintains superior security even if the scalability increases.

5.   Data Recovery 

Data recovery needs to be a priority for businesses of all shapes and sizes. You might end up losing months of data and hard work if proper protection is not implemented. A traditional server increases the risk of losing data. A standard server can get ruined by a power surge. This will put all the information at risk. Even backups are cumbersome when using such sloppy practices.

Cloud infrastructure services reduce the risk of losing essential data as no disaster or accident can wreak havoc. Thus, cloud computing will save you from the stress of protecting data. Virtual backups are easily done using cloud computing services. The backups can be done weekly, daily, or whatever time interval you want.

Ending Note 

Cloud migration can offer a competitive advantage to any business. You need to consider a few things such as budget, data protection and accessibility. Then, choose a cloud computing service accordingly.   

Everything You Need To Know About Cloud Today

Cloud computing is a term that has become increasingly popular in recent years. What is cloud computing? Cloud computing includes sharing of computer resources over the internet, which means that you don’t need to buy hardware to store your data and software programs.

Services are available from many providers on-demand, so you can access them from any location at any time without worrying about system maintenance or upgrades. This article discusses everything people should know about cloud services and what they can do for your business!

How Do You Use Cloud Computing For My Business Purpose:

Cloud computing can be used for doing many things in a business. Cloud services offer a wide variety of services, including email and calendars that are accessible from any device with an internet connection; online storage space where users can upload data or software programs to share across all their devices; and web-based office suites that allow you to create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

  • The first use of cloud computing in a business is storage space for various files. All the employees can use it at an organization to share documents from their desktops or laptops without worrying about who has access to what file because it’s stored online on servers that are accessible anywhere with an internet connection.
  • The second use of cloud computing in a business is email and calendars. Cloud services allow you to access your emails on any device with an internet connection, which means that there’s no need for employees to carry their laptops or tablets everywhere they go just so they can get work done when they’re not at the office!

Cloud Computing Services:

There are many types of cloud computing services available for businesses. Cloud service providers offer a wide variety of features to meet the needs of any business, such as on-demand storage space and data sharingWeb-based office suites that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

A single source for creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Web hosting for websites or web pages. Software as a Service (SaaS) that can be used on any device with an internet connection. Collaboration tools to help teams work together more efficiently using files in the cloud.

High-quality security features such as data encryption and password protection. Backup and disaster recovery services to protect data in the event of a system failure.

Cloud Technology:

Cloud technology is the computer hardware and software that makes cloud computing possible. Cloud providers use multiple levels of security, including encryption, to protect your files from unauthorized access or accidental deletions; they also back up data regularly so you can recover it if something goes wrong with your system.

  • The first level of security in a cloud service provider is encryption. Encryption is a process that makes the content of your files unreadable by anyone who doesn’t have access to it, so if someone tries to get at your file, they’ll be unable to read the contents!
  • The second level of security in a cloud service provider is backup and disaster recovery. Backups ensure that you’re able to recover your files if they become corrupted or deleted by accident, and disaster recovery is the process of restoring data from backups after a system failure.
  • The third level of security in cloud technology is authentication. Authentication ensures that you can access only those things that are rightfully yours so that unauthorized parties can’t get into your account!
  • The fourth level of security in cloud technology is firewalling. Firewall protection ensures that your data remains safe by preventing unauthorized access to it from the internet and other networks while also protecting against viruses, malware, spam mail (unsolicited emails), hacking attempts (attempts to gain information without authorization through technological means), denial-of-service attacks (attacks on a computer system in order to cause harm or loss of service).

Cloud Infrastructure Services:

Cloud infrastructure services include the following:

Virtual private servers (VPS): A type of server lets customers have their own dedicated virtual machine on a shared physical host. This means they will be renting out all or part of a physical computer, allowing them to set up and control any kind of operating system environment that they want.

Cloud hosting: A type of service that provides a platform on which to host software applications.

Software as a Service (SaaS): A type of service for cloud computing in which the provider offers their customers access to particular software programs or modules over an internet connection. This includes web-based office suites, website builders, and other applications that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.


Cloud computing is a type of online technology that enables users to store, access, and share their data from anywhere with an internet connection. It’s also becoming increasingly popular among small businesses because it helps them do things like saving money on IT support costs by eliminating the need for in-house personnel and reducing paper use through document sharing capabilities.