Cyber Security Service Provider – Defending Companies from Cyber Attacks

Cyber security is one of the aspects that must be considered in digital transformation. That said, finding the right cyber security service provider is vital to ensure data breaches are prevented and appropriate responses are performed if there are one. In finding the best service provider, you have to do your homework and check all the basics. You have to make sure to review the service being offered, its customization, and its cost-effectiveness. You may also need to review the service provider’s reputation and make sure they can provide you and your company with the best security. 

At Mphasis, you are guaranteed nothing but the best cyber security services accompanied by reliable cyber solutions, decades of experience, and a team of dedicated experts! 

Read more “ Cyber Security Service Provider – Defending Companies from Cyber Attacks “

An Ultimate Guide On Cyber Security Solutions

Cyber security is essential, but why? Who are the best Cybersecurity service providers for your company? In this era where data is everything and everyone adopts digitalisation, it is necessary to focus on security operations centres and IT service providers for organisations. We often hear about data breaches and leaks that harm many people.

 All companies fight to protect their data against any virus attack, and you can also play a role in it. You can take help from various outsourced security operations centres or cybersecurity service providers who will help manage the data and security. A security operations centre includes people, processes and technology responsible for monitoring and maintaining the organisation’s information security.

Nowadays, cybersecurity is more of a global problem. The number of threats is increasing rapidly. And for this, cybersecurity solutions will help. There are an end number of cybersecurity solutions available which can be used. This article lists a few cybersecurity solutions you may consider while analysing and choosing the right for you and your organisation.

Read full article “ An Ultimate Guide On Cyber Security Solutions 

An Ultimate Guide On Cyber Security Solutions

Cyber security is essential, but why? Who are the best Cybersecurity service providers for your company? In this era where data is everything and everyone adopts digitalisation, it is necessary to focus on security operations centres and IT service providers for organisations. We often hear about data breaches and leaks that harm many people.

All companies fight to protect their data against any virus attack, and you can also play a role in it. You can take help from various outsourced security operations centres or cybersecurity service providers who will help manage the data and security. A security operations centre includes people, processes and technology responsible for monitoring and maintaining the organisation’s information security.

Nowadays, cybersecurity is more of a global problem. The number of threats is increasing rapidly. And for this, cybersecurity solutions will help. There are an end number of cybersecurity solutions available which can be used. This article lists a few cybersecurity solutions you may consider while analysing and choosing the right for you and your organisation.

Things To Consider When Selecting Cyber Security Service Providers

1. Security Patch Management Schedule

A security patch is a software that corrects errors in a computer’s software. Patches are security updates with switch feature enhancements, bug fixes, performance improvements and many more. Patches are so important that they can stop attacks from being carried out.

Security patches are like covering the security holes. If security patches are not applied, it would be easier for attackers to enter. So companies need to have a security patch management schedule to prevent many attacks on the company.

2. Multi-layered firewalls 

When the attacker is already on the organisation’s network, you should try to minimise the damage as much as possible. When possible, the company should slow down the attacker until you get the access back.

For this, adding tools such as multi-layered firewalls will help. This tool will filter requests for each application the hacker tries to get into. So organisations need to hire security operations centres and cybersecurity service providers.

3. Managed Cyber Security Solutions and Services

There are cybersecurity companies that work with other businesses so organisations can minimise their security risks. They offer different solutions like – Security architecture or solution implementations, Security Audits and Assessments and IT security staffing.

4. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

The intrusion Detection system will not help stop the attack itself, but it might help detect intrusion attempts. The intrusion Detection system also alerts the IT support team whenever any breach occurs. If Intrusion Detection System is not there, then attackers can freely reign over the data.

If the breach happened, you could know how the attacker got into it. The intrusion Detection system helps detect the files attackers got and what they did from them. So with this, the company can take appropriate action and prevent it from happening any further. Some of the Intrusion Detection systems make automated protective measures so it will stop any attack in progress. It fights against any intrusion attempts.

CIA Triad 

Now that we have seen what cybersecurity is and how we should focus on security operations centres and cybersecurity service providers. Now let’s see what the CIA Triad is. The security of any company starts with three principles –

1. Confidentiality

This principle certifies that only authorised parties can access sensitive information and functions.

2. Availability

This principle says that functions, data and systems must be available on demand according to the agreed parameters based on the level of service.

3. Integrity 

This principle says that only authorised people can alter, add or remove any sensitive information and functions.

Cybersecurity solutions are tools and services that help organisations protect against cyber attacks such as application downtime, theft of sensitive data, reputation damage and other consequences. Several categories of cyber security solutions are discussed below.

Categories Of Cyber Security Solutions

● Application security solutions

This tool helps test software applications for vulnerabilities during development and protects them from any attacks in the running stage.

● Endpoint security

This tool is deployed at endpoints like employee workstations and servers, prevents threats like ransomware and malware and helps and stops any breach that may occur.

● Network security

This tool monitors the network traffic, identifies potential malicious traffic, and enables the organisation to block and mitigate threats.

● Internet of things security

This tool helps gain visibility and applies security controls to the growing network of devices (IoT) that are extensively used for storing sensitive and unsecured data.

● Cloud security

This tool helps gain control over complex public, hybrid and private environments and detects misconfiguration and vulnerabilities.

Audits and Assessments

Security audits and assessments are a cyber security method that acts like an organisation’s cyber security solution. It is designed in such a way that it detects and identifies security vulnerabilities by implementing security policies and penetration testing. This assessment finds vulnerabilities in network infrastructures such as firewalls, routers, DNS, servers and all other network devices.

Social – Media Security

Social media security is not a cyber security solution but acts like one. You must protect your social media accounts from cyber security threats and breaches. One should ensure that social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Whatsapp etc., are safe and secure. The best ways to maintain your social media information are discussed below.

  • Create a strong password, and it should be different for all accounts.
  • Never reuse your password, and keep changing the password regularly.
  • Never click on any suspicious URLs
  • Log out of social media accounts immediately after use.
  • Close old social media accounts which are of no use
  • Enable two-factor authentication on your account
  • Check your emails for any suspicious logins
  • Do not use the auto-login feature
  • Add your mobile number for social media recovery.
  • Use a different mail address for social media accounts.

The Bottom Line

We have seen how important cybersecurity and its solutions are for organisations or individuals to protect against data breaches and attacks. Many security operations centres can be hired to avoid negligence and stay secure from attacks. Cybersecurity service providers are certified as per the standard and follow protocol and guidelines. With this, you will understand the importance of cybersecurity solutions deeply.

Mphasis has a team of experts that can guide businesses from start to end. They provide advice and help businesses formulate a comprehensive plan for business needs and journey. Mphasis help transform businesses with their ready-to-use platforms, cloud maps, and processes, making businesses future-ready. Lastly, they can help with efficient management as they provide extensive support, control, monitoring, training, and deployment services to optimize their client’s journey and success in digital transformation.

Mphasis has the edge of providing exceptional services with their experience of over 30 years in the development, transformation, and management of applications. Having unrivaled transformation capabilities allowing them to lead through end-to-end cycles across technologies and industries. They have the right tools and the right plan for your business’ success.

Top 10 Infrastructure Automation Tools That You Should Have

As technology evolves, creating, migrating, and maintaining infrastructure on the cloud is become integral in the IT industry. You must put your mind and hands on too many tasks simultaneously. This way, you will not risk compromising the work of your system.

You need to create the virtual cloud network, networking infrastructure, security list, subnets, and many more. While you can do all these manually, it will take time to finish, and you are unsure whether you’ve created an efficient system or not. You have to find ways to make the manual processes automated.

A Brief Background about Machine Learning to Prepare You in Understanding Automation Tools

Machine learning works with algorithms dealing with big amounts of data. It is a subset of AI, leading the machine to gather information from data, make performance better, and come up with predictions.

The algorithms are fed with the data, which they train to eventually perform specific tasks after they have built the model.

Mphasis, a company that helps improve technology, offers machine learning services. The company employs algorithms that help solve various business problems, such as Associations, Clustering, Forecasting, Classification, Regression, and many more. The machines come in four types, based on learning and methods. For example, there is Reinforcement Learning (RL).

RL employs a feedback-based process. In this setup, the software component, the AI agent, is situated at the security operations centre. It works by automatically exploring the surroundings. It hits and trail, performs an action, takes note of the past mistakes, and performs better.

The AI agent’s goal is to maximize the reward, or else it gets punished for every bad action. On the contrary, it reaps the rewards for every good action.

This kind of learning process is similar to how humans learn. Your child learns with their experiences every day. On the other hand, the everyday environment of reinforcement learning is playing a game wherein the agent’s goal is to obtain a high score. It gets rewarded for the high scores and punished for a different result.

This kind of learning is helpful in multi-agent systems, Information theory, Operation Research, and Game theory. Reinforcement learning makes robots more powerful, which are then used in manufacturing and industrial industries.

This is only one of the four types of machine learning, which you can apply further and learn how to integrate automation in machines.

More about the Best Infrastructure Automation Tools

Automation tools used in infrastructure can be categorized into three: Config/AM, CI/CD, and IaaC.

IaaC Top Automation Tools

IaaC technologies manage and automate infrastructure components. It can deal with On-Prem managed services, cloud services, firewalls, apps, servers, and Networks. 

  1. Ansible

You can use this orchestration and configuration management tool without agents. It utilizes Playbooks or the configuration modules of this tool. Playbooks are easier to construct as compared to other similar systems. The reason for this is that the device is written in YAML format.

  • Terraform

This is a cloud-agnostic infrastructure provisioning tool. It is written in the Go Programming language and designed by Hashicorp. It allows public and private cloud infrastructure provisioning. It can deal with firewalls, managed services, servers, networks, etc.

Terraform utilizes state flies, which allow the tracking of the infrastructure’s condition. This is also what makes it different from other configuration management solutions.

  • Chef

The ruby-based tool utilizes the rules in cookbooks, a concept in Chef, in configuring virtual machines. It allows only a little programming and coding of the infrastructure in domain-specific language (DSL). This tool mainly caters to developers.

  • Puppet

This configuration management tool is written in Ruby, similar to Chef. The tool’s DSLs write the code that is wrapped in modules. This tool is quite valuable for system administrators.

CI/CD Top Automation Tools

  • Jenkins

This continuous integration solution is java-based, which allows faster deployment of applications. This is also handy for developers. It requires using SVN, GitHub, and other version control systems. 

The server is responsible for building and testing new code as it is placed in a code repository. Once done, it notifies the team about the modifications and results. 

  • Docker

This tool makes programs virtual at a process level. Docker creates isolated environments for applications wherein the containers are placed. The containers are then moved from one server to another without making changes in the program. This is seen as a potentially significant phase in the process of tools going virtual.

  • Kubernetes Operators

This is considered among the most excellent container orchestration tools. It is beneficial for operators. You can use the GitOps approaches to create fully automated deployments of Kubernetes based on verification and GIT changes.

  • GitHub Actions

They provide an excellent service in setting up your CI pipelines when you use GitHub. They make it easier to connect and make the workflow faster when setting up a continuous integration pipeline. You can also use this in private or public GitHub accounts.

Configs/Secret Management Top Automation Tools

  • Vault

This open-source solution from Hashicorp is essential in recovering and storing confidential information. It is loaded with features to use encryption in storing your private key. You can build roles, policies, and ACLs to manage how the end-users access the secrets.

  1. Consul

This open-source key-value store is mainly used for service discovery. This works best in saving and retrieving operations in real-time.


One automation tool is not enough for all the work you need to ensure the safety of data and the fast performance of your automated system. This is where Mphasis can help you with. The company will assess your current infrastructure and workflow and suggest the automation tools you need to make everything seamless, fast, and functional.

You may be tempted to choose the tools based on how they work and give them to the people handling the machines involved. However, it is still best to hand over the selection of tools to the pro, a company with several years of experience handling similar tasks for various companies. It is necessary to choose the right tools based on your company’s requirements more than how the devices function.

Different Types of Machine Learning Services

Machine learning is a branch of computer science, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) focused on the use of algorithms and data to copy what humans learn. Over time, the accuracy of machine learning increases.

There are plenty of machine learning services applications. This include:

  • Product Recommendation: Machine learning is used to recommend products that fit your purchasing behavior.
  • Virtual Assistant: Virtual assistants such as Siri and Alexa use machine learning to comprehend questions and commands.
  • Security Operations Centre: Machine learning can analyze files in a short period of time, making it easier to detect anomalies. The feature can help identify security incidents quicker.

You might not realize it, but you are actually benefiting from plenty of machine learning services. Service providers such as Mphasis help make daily life easier and convenient with robust technology solutions.

However, did you know that there are different types of machine learning? Read this article to discover the primary classifications of machine learning.

Different Types of Machine Learning

There are 3 main classifications of machine learning methods. These are:

Supervised Machine Learning

Supervised machine learning is the use of labeled datasets to train algorithms predicting outcomes and classifying data accurately. In this classification, input data is provided into the model, which adjusts its weight until the fit is appropriate. This happens as part of the cross-validation process.

Some examples of supervised machine learning models include:

  • Predictive Analytics

Plenty of supervised machine learning models are used in building predictive analytic systems. Its main purpose is to provide in-depth insight into data points of businesses. The insights from predictive analytics allow decision-makers to make informed decisions accurately.

  • Image and Object Recognition

Supervised learning algorithms are used in image and object recognition systems. These algorithms can identify, categorize and isolate objects from images and photos. These features make them useful for imagery analysis and computer vision techniques.

  • Spam Detection

Supervised learning algorithms are trained to recognize anomaly patterns in new data to categorize spam and non-spam correspondences accurately.

Supervised machine learning has many applications that can help make everyday life easier and more convenient. However, there are also several disadvantages to using it, such as:

  • Steep learning curve when it comes to structuring supervised learning models accurately
  • Time intensive training
  • Datasets can be affected by human error, causing the algorithm to learn inaccurately
  • Supervised learning models are not able to classify data on it’s own, so it can be more labor-intensive

Unsupervised Machine Learning

There’s a lot of confusion about supervised and unsupervised machine learning. However, there’s a clear distinction between these two, and that’s the fact that unsupervised machine learning uses unlabeled data, unlike supervised machine learning.

Using unlabeled data, unsupervised machine learning algorithms uncover patterns that offer solutions to association or clustering problems. This is significantly useful when the common properties within a data set are unsure.

Unsupervised machine learning can be used for the following:

  • Medical Imaging

Unsupervised machine learning offers important features to medical imaging equipment, including image detection, segmentation, and classification. These are mostly applied in pathology and radiology, making patient diagnosis more accurate and fast.

  • Anomaly Detection

Unsupervised machine learning algorithms can analyze bulk data and detect atypical data points. Being able to detect anomalies quickly makes it easier for companies to address human error, faulty equipment, or security breaches.

  • Computer Vision

Object recognition can also benefit from unsupervised machine learning algorithms by making visual perception tasks faster and more accurate.

  • News Section

Google News utilizes an unsupervised machine learning algorithm to categorize articles about the same story from different online news outlets. This makes it easier for users to find results relevant to the topics that they are searching for.

  • Customer Personas

A clear buyer persona is essential for businesses, especially when creating making and sales strategies. Unsupervised machine learning algorithms can help businesses identify and understand the common traits of their customers. This way, businesses can create products and strategies that resonate with their target buyers.

However, despite its wide range of applications, unsupervised machine learning also has its fair share of disadvantages. These include:

  • Computation complexity caused by a high volume of data training
  • It takes a longer time to train
  • There’s a high risk of inaccurate results, especially at the beginning
  • Lack of transparency in terms of what are the basis used when clustering data

Reinforcement Learning

This type of machine learning is said to have the closest similarity to how humans learn. Here, algorithms used in learning interact with their environment, allowing it to receive positive or negative rewards.

The common applications of reinforcement learning include:

  • Marketing

Most marketing tasks involve promotion to sell products and services. In this process, finding the right audience is essential, which is what reinforcement learning can help you with. This model can predict reactions, choices, and even customer behavior.

  • Healthcare

Doctors can use reinforcement learning models to identify a patient’s most suitable treatment type. It also helps in administering the proper drug dose and determining such drug doses.

  • Image Processing

Reinforcement learning is also useful in image processing. Image processing is the practice of improving the current version of an image to gain useful information.

  • Broadcast Journalism

Broadcast journalism uses various reinforcement learning models to track reader behavior. This enables their sites to provide you with recommendations tailored to your behaviors and patterns.

  • Robotics

Reinforcement learning is also widely used in the field of robotics. It helps robots learn how to grasp visible objects and solve complicated tasks that most humans cannot do.

  • Gaming

Gaming has become a big part of many people’s lives. Reinforcement learning optimizes game algorithms, providing gamers with a better overall experience. This is possible because reinforcement learning helps create prediction models that learn how to win in complex situations.

Final Words

Learning about the different types of machine learning will make you realize that its application is all around you. At the same time, you’ll also understand that it has so much potential to make life convenient and easier in the future. With machine learning, perhaps the idea of robots and automation being the norm is not so far fetched.

6 Ways Security Operations Center Can Help Automate Business Processes

Businesses have a lot to worry about when it comes to cyber security. Between ransomware and data breaches, there are a lot of threats that companies need to be aware of.

Unfortunately, many businesses don’t have the resources to properly protect themselves from these threats. That’s where security operations centers (SOCs) come in. A SOC can help automate business processes and improve cyber security for your company. In this article, we will discuss 10 ways that a SOC can help improve your business’ security.

What Is SOC?

SOC refers to a security operations center. It’s a team of people who are responsible for monitoring and managing an organization’s security . SOCs can be either in-house or outsourced to a third-party provider.

The main goal of a SOC is to protect an organization from cyber threats. SOCs do this by identifying potential threats, investigating them, and then taking steps to mitigate the threat.


There are many benefits of using SOC-as-a-Service. One of the biggest benefits is that it can help businesses save time and money. When businesses outsource their security operations, they can focus on their core competencies and leave the security to the experts.  

Another benefit of using SOC as a service is that it can help businesses improve their security. By working with a team of experts, businesses can ensure that their systems are properly configured and that they are following best practices.

Lastly, by outsourcing their security operations, businesses can free up time that can be spent on more important tasks.

SOC Functions, Services and Offerings from Mphasis

Security Operation Centers can be a great asset for businesses of all sizes. However, they are particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) that may not have the resources to build their own in-house security team.

If you are looking to outsource a security operations center, consider working with Mphasis Security Operations Center. Their services and offerings range from monitoring and managing security devices to providing incident response services.

Mphasis has a team of highly trained and experienced security professionals who can help you secure your business from cyber threats. In addition, they offer round-the-clock monitoring and support, so you can rest assured that your business is in good hands.

Here are some of the ways that Mphasis can help improve your business’ security:

  • Device Management – Mphasis can help you manage and monitor your security devices, including intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), firewalls, and more.
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) – Mphasis can help you collect and analyze data from your security devices to identify potential threats.
  • Incident Response – Mphasis can help you respond to incidents quickly and effectively to minimize the damage caused by a breach.
  • Vulnerability Management – Mphasis can help you scan for vulnerabilities in your systems and take steps to mitigate them.
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence – Mphasis can provide you with actionable intelligence about the latest cyber threats.

How SOC can help improve cyber security through automation

SOCs can improve cyber security by automating business processes. By automating tasks such as patch management and vulnerability scanning, SOCs can free up time that can be spent on more important tasks, such as investigating incidents and responding to them.

Additionally, automation can help improve the accuracy of security data collection and analysis. By using tools such as SIEM, SOCs can collect and analyze data more efficiently, which can help them identify potential threats before they cause damage.

Some of the processes that SOC can help improve include:

1. Incident detection

The main element of incident detection is threat detection. Without security operations centers, incident detection would be difficult, if not impossible. Security operations centers use a variety of tools and techniques to detect incidents.

For example, they may use IDS/IPS to detect malicious traffic or malware infections. They may also use SIEM to collect and analyze data from multiple security devices. By doing this, SOCs can quickly identify potential incidents and take steps to prevent them.

2. Threat visibility assurance

SOCs can help improve threat visibility by providing businesses with actionable intelligence about the latest threats. This intelligence can be used to quickly identify and mitigate potential threats.

In addition, SOCs can help businesses understand the current state of their security posture. By conducting regular security assessments, SOCs can provide businesses with valuable insights into their strengths and weaknesses. This information can be used to improve the security posture of a business.

3. Investigation

If an incident has been detected, it ought to be investigated to determine the scope and extent of the damage. This is where security operations centers can be extremely beneficial. SOCs have the tools and resources necessary to quickly investigate incidents.

During this process, SOCs may use forensics tools to examine data from affected systems. They may also interview employees to gather information about the incident. By conducting a thorough investigation, SOCs can help businesses minimize the damage caused by an incident.

4. Response and compliance

Once an incident has been investigated, it must be responded to. SOCs have the knowledge and experience necessary to quickly and effectively respond to incidents.

For example, they may use incident response plans to contain and eradicate the threat. They may also work with law enforcement to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the incident. By responding quickly and effectively, SOCs can help businesses minimize the damage caused by an incident.

SOCs can help with risk mitigation such as access removal when it comes to offboarding employees.  

When it comes to compliance, security operation centers can help businesses meet a variety of compliance requirements. For example, they can help businesses comply with data privacy laws, such as the GDPR. They can also help businesses comply with industry-specific regulations, such as HIPAA. By complying with these regulations, businesses can avoid costly fines and penalties.

5. Recovery

After an incident has been responded to, businesses must take steps to recover. SOCs can help in restoring systems by recovering compromised or lost data. This can be achieved through reconfiguring systems, using viable backup to stop ransomware, and wiping and restarting endpoints.

Your SOC team might use data backup and recovery plans to restore lost data. They may also work with vendors to get replacement equipment and minimize the damage caused by an incident.

6. Threat prevention

The best way to deal with incidents is to prevent them from happening in the first place. This is achieved through continuous monitoring to detect suspicious activity and anomalies.  SOCs have the tools and resources necessary to identify and mitigate potential threats.

For example, they may use vulnerability scanning and patch management to identify and fix security vulnerabilities. They may also use intrusion detection and prevention systems to detect and block malicious traffic.

Round-the-clock monitoring can reduce the amount of triage and analysis that your SOC team has to deal with. This, in turn, helps to reduce the human error associated with these processes.

Security operations centers can be extremely beneficial for businesses. They can help improve a variety of business processes, including incident detection, investigation, response, recovery, and prevention. By taking advantage of the tools and resources available to them, SOCs can help businesses improve their cyber security and reduce the likelihood of an incident occurring.

If you are looking to outsource a SOC, consider working with a reputable company whose services and offerings range from monitoring and managing security devices to providing incident response services.

Understanding The Importance Of Cyber Security

Currently, everyone is living within a technologically advanced era. This has changed everyone from paying your bills, purchasing stuff, renting an apartment, booking a cab, watching a movie, and many more.  

Whatever you want is just one click away, and all these are made possible because of the electronic media and the internet. Because of the widespread usage, there have been reports of numerous security breaches, malicious attacks, frauds, etc.  

To help keep the internet safe and secure, Cyber security came into existence. Proper cybersecurity solutions can help shield you from black-hat hackers, fraudsters, malware, viruses, and cybercriminals who wish to harm you mentally and financially. Cyber security will also prevent you from engaging in online data theft.  

Types Of Cybersecurity Threats

Hackers and cybercriminals have created numerous ways to attack or hack into any individual’s system. That’s why you must stay completely aware of these online threats, as it will help obtain protection with immediate effect. Some of these threats are:

1. Phishing Attacks

Phishing stands out as one of the most common types of cyber threats available these days. This technique gets used by the general public online, where fake emails and text messages are sent to obtain access to a specific user’s private or personal data. Since many individuals or internet users are falling victim to phishing attacks, Cybersecurity has become pretty crucial as it’s the only way to stop such attacks from taking place.

2. DoS or Denial-Of-Service Attacks 

These attacks are known to be a nuisance, but they will surely enlighten you about the need for Cybersecurity in today’s world. Here, the hackers will exhaust the entire bandwidth and drown a particular network with multiple requests.  

3. SQL Injection Attack 

You will clearly understand why Cybersecurity is highly essential these days once you check out the technological advancement utilized for hacking within this kind. The hacker will place malicious code within the SQL-using server. This is pretty much done with an unsafe search box of a website. If this technique works out perfectly, the hacker will gain full access to confidential information or data.  

4. Malware

The importance of Cybersecurity has dramatically increased these days because emails provided by suspicious websites are not safe. Emails and downloads from unsafe websites carry spyware, ransomware, viruses, and worms, which will significantly compromise your security. 

Things To Know About RPA

Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, has become the main form of business process automation technology. The RPA solutions are based on the concepts of AI or Artificial Intelligence software robots or workers. This particular technology will enable a computer program to perform all the manual processes done by a human being.  

The RPA solutions are just like the human robots, which can perform tasks like reading databases, reading attachments and emails, logging into the website, and opening an application. RPA is used for automating all the day-to-day processes.

When compared with SOA solutions, RPA is the most preferred technology for ongoing product support. On the other hand, RPA is also the first choice of many individuals over the SOA solutions that feature roadmaps and updates.

How Does An Outstanding Cybersecurity Looks Like?

You are well aware of what cyberattacks and threats can do to your security within the online platform. That’s why it’s highly essential to take up the services of the Cyber Security Operations Center, as it will prevent you from getting trapped within the cybercrime realm. Here are some of the most crucial points that you should follow at the office and home.  

1. Secure The Wi-Fi

The experts from the Security Operations Center have said that it’s imperative to secure your Wi-Fi network. You should never keep your Wi-Fi without a password, as it’s one of the best ways to prevent unwanted individuals, especially hackers, from gaining access to your network. On the other hand, you must utilize the WPA2 or Wi-Fi protected access to Version 2 as the method of security.  

2. Opt For A Strong Password

The Cyber security service provider recommends everyone set up a strong password, which will protect them from unwanted cyberattacks. You will surely come across websites that show your password strength. Make sure it’s strong enough so that hackers or any third party cannot access it. A strong password should be between 8 to 12 words and contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and characters.

3. Use An Antivirus For Your System 

There are many internet providers out there who will take the help of antivirus software and the service they offer. The Cyber security service provider believes that the internet providers are well aware of the importance of Cybersecurity within a business. They offer antivirus that protects their network without any hassle. If the provider doesn’t provide an antivirus, you can install one as they are not that expensive.  

Ending Note

Cybersecurity holds a great deal of importance within this modern era. It provides ultimate protection to businesses and users on the internet and stops hackers and fraudsters from accessing their personal information. It’s essential to opt for cybersecurity solutions that will help you safe from cyberattacks, threats, data breaches, malware and many more.

How to Improve Business Cyber Security: Tips for Securing Your Firm

The Internet is no longer a safe haven for businesses. It has opened up business owners to cyber-attacks in ways that have never been seen before. The average company can now expect three or more security breaches per year, and if one of these breaches goes unpunished, it can put your entire business at risk (McAfee). With this increased threat of cyber-attacks, how do you improve your business cyber security? This post will share important tips for improved business cyber security.

Evaluate effectiveness of current security measures

How effective is your current cyber security plan? Evaluate your current security measures and identify gaps that need to be addressed. Be sure to regularly audit the effectiveness of your cyber defence plan by asking yourself these tough questions:

  • What is my risk level? How likely am I being targeted for attack now or in the future?
  • Do we have an up-to-date program that addresses all potential high-risk scenarios?
  • Are the software and applications that I am using the best on the market?

Remember that the most expensive cyber security solution isn’t always the best for your business. Also, make sure that the security measures you are implementing can be easily maintained and updated as needed.

Be sure that the software and applications in use have up-to-date patches and updates. Patching problems won’t stop a skilled hacker from breaking into systems via Internet connections. Therefore, it’s vital for all devices hooked up to the internet to always be on top of their patch management schedule. Apply operating system updates as soon as they become available because this will also close vulnerabilities hackers could exploit.

Limit access

While a firewall may prevent outside access of your files, it will not prevent employees from unknowingly sharing information. Enable your employees to share content securely, to limit insider threats. Make sure that they know how to safely use email, chat apps, Skype and other apps which are not encrypted by default.

Create secure alternatives for them if possible where they can collaborate on shared documents with other people or teams while still maintaining high levels of security.

Only allow employees to access the information that lets them do their jobs competently. Set stringent permissions so only those who are allowed access can do so. This is especially important when it comes to sensitive data like compliance documents which should not be accessible by everyone in your organization. It is also helpful if you have resorted to work-from-home operations to prevent the spread of Covid-19 as it will reduce security vulnerabilities.

Train your cyber security team regularly

To keep your data secure, your cyber security team must be capable of thinking like hackers. Identify any skills gaps and train your team on those skills to fill the gap. For instance, if your team lacks in programming skills, they will need to be trained on this.

Share knowledge among different departments within the company and have a central repository of information for all employees as well as cyber security experts from other industries that can help you keep up with new attack methods.

Phishing and ransomware are some of the biggest threats that businesses face. be sure to train all employees on how to identify these threats.

Upgrade your security protocols

Implement various security protocols such as two-factor and multi-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access of data. These cyber security protocols will allow you to really keep on top of all matters related to digital safety and threats in an efficient manner.

Another important security protocol that you ought to consider is a Security Operations Centre & Security Operations Centre software. It acts as the nerve centre of any business with security concerns. It works by collecting data from every system connected to the network perimeter including firewalls; routers; servers and laptops on VPN networks. A Security Operations Centre also helps your business to stay updated about current threats and also look out for future attacks by providing real-time updates on emerging risks across multiple devices.

Improve your physical security

It might not seem so, but your physical security largely contributes to your cyber security. How so? Say a malicious party got access to your desktop or laptop. They could very easily infect it with malware or spyware.

to prevent such incidents, restrict access to all offices. Provide keys only to the people who need access to a given office, and make sure that keys are always kept in a secure location.

In essence, securing your physical assets is all about limiting access to them. When someone has no need for a specific workspace, restrict their access. This will help prevent incidents of malware infection or spyware installation on your devices.

Give keys only to people who have a need for an office space, and always keep these keys securely stored as well. Security companies should be used when disposing of old hardware containing company data; this way any information can be destroyed with environmentally-friendly solutions that are safe for humans and animals alike. Regularly monitor network activity by regularly checking logs, but most importantly focus on anomalous behavior – if something doesn’t look right.

Intelligent Automation: Revolutionizing Enterprise Operations

New technological changes happen every day, and as they do, they completely revolutionize the existing business landscape of the world. In the 1990s, the first revolution that swept the business world off its feet was the advent of the internet and the World Wide Web. Now, in the early part of the 21st century, the human race is looking at the advent of intelligent automation and much more. According to a recent study conducted by Oxford Economics, the global stock of robots is going to reach 20 million by 2030. Here’s how intelligent and automated systems are changing business landscapes.

1. Overhaul in Operational Focus: Automation technology is going to bring about a complete and utter overhaul in the way businesses plan and carry out their operational tasks. The entire end-to-end supply chain that connects manufacturers to end customers is going to change. Automation technology can be used to prevent the formation of bottlenecks and blockades in the operational workflows.

With a rise in automation, the operational focus of businesses will shift from price-centrism to velocity-centrism. In other words, firms will now focus on how fast they can get products and services to customers, not the price at which they are supplying it. All of these changes will result in a just-in-time supply chain, one that responds to demands immediately.

2. Customer Service Can Be Enhanced: Enterprise automation will make sure that some of the hardest and most tedious tasks can be taken care of by robots and AI systems. As a result of this, employees will be able to devote more time and attention to providing quality customer service. Resource management will also become much more efficient with automation.

Automated customer service systems have also been developed, and they’re already being implemented by major businesses all over the world. A rudimentary version of this technology is evident in the form of customer service chatbots, which are equipped to handle a wide range of queries. Instead of replacing the human touch, automated customer service can do much to enhance it.

3. Knowledge Workers Can Diversify: One of the biggest changes that automation will bring about is the larger degree of freedom that it will provide to knowledge workers. Knowledge workers are those who “think” for a living, such as scientists, engineers, programmers, academics and more. By automating mundane but essential tasks, they will be able to focus on important stuff.

Complex and predictable activities can be completely automated, freeing up time and resources for knowledge workers to devote to more pressing and important issues. As a result of this, knowledge workers will be allowed to branch out and diversify their specializations. In other words, automation will allow knowledge workers to devote more time to creative, stimulating and high value work.

4. Robots Will Function As Co-Workers: There is a level of paranoia which suggests that robots and automated systems are going to replace human workers entirely. This is just not true as a high level of enterprise automation will allow robots and humans to function effectively as colleagues. Robots work right next to regular workers and learn from their behaviour.

Robotic technology and AI systems have developed greatly over the past few years. Now, robots can be trained for a task by viewing it and repeating it again and again. This will allow human line workers and automated line workers to work in tandem, leading to a highly efficient supply chain. As stated before, this is a just-in-time supply chain.

5. Robots Will Take Care of Security: Many businesses, especially those who provide online services, have a Security Operations Centre that is manned by human workers. With a rise in automation, the responsibility of security can be taken over by robots. They are well suited to perform mundane and repetitive tasks with a very high degree of efficiency and accuracy.

Robots can also be trained to do some dangerous tasks that would be too risky for a human worker to do. For example, robotic systems can be used to take care of risky industrial processes as well. Robots/Automated systems are also well suited for tasks such as cleaning large oil tanks, exploring mines, cleaning and repairing nuclear reactors, etc.

It is also very important to remember that automated processes will affect different industries at different rates. For example, online-based businesses will be affected first as they don’t have to make a lot of infrastructural changes to their operational line. Industrial outfits have to spend a lot of money to install robotic equipment and hire specialists, but online-based firms can automate their processes simply with the help of software tools.

The best way to prepare your own business for an automated future is to take a long and hard look at your existing operational systems. After you decide which ones would benefit from being automated, you can work out any of the kinks that remain. Automating efficiently can result in major benefits for your enterprise.

The Growing Prominence Of Intelligent Automation

In the age of digital revolutions and software-centric evolutions, organizations work to provide the highest quality of products and services. Today, sustaining in the marketplace has become all about taking smart approaches. And intelligent automation has become one of the most effective ways of accomplishing the same. What is intelligent automation? How does it help businesses become smarter? We are discussing all this and more in this blog.

What Is Intelligent Automation?

Intelligent automation is an amalgamation of robotic process automation and artificial intelligence. In this Artificial Intelligence allows analytics, personnel management, and decision making that is driven by insights. Robotic Process Automation, on the other hand, works to automate the processes in order to reduce human interference. It is basically an umbrella term that combines different skills, strategies, techniques, and tools that eliminate the requirement of humans, increase the reliability and predictability of services, and decrease the costs.

Applications Of Intelligent Automation in Various Sectors

Intelligent Automation in Finance

The financial sector has been incorporating automation for many years now. With companies exploring the potential to get more value through enhanced customer service, improved revenue, risk management, etc., Artificial Intelligence plays an important role. But Intelligent automation that combines AI, robotic process automation, and human intelligence presents more growth opportunities.

Whether it is the incorporation of basic robots or complete digitalization of systems and processes, it extends the smart use of various automation approaches as well as tools. Contrary to manual intervention, automated robotic activities can be properly tracked, monitored, and audited to ascertain transparency. Moreover, with tons of data generated and collected by the companies, the IA solution can effectively leverage the information and make the processes more optimal.

Intelligent Automation in Manufacturing Sector

Intelligent automation has contributed to significant transformations in this sector by providing innovative changes. Deep learning and machine learning can be leveraged to solve a wide range of operational problems like predictive maintenance and predictive analytics. Many workflows designed by manufacturers are partially automated and contribute to saving time for the end-used.

Moreover, an automated workplace’s cost-efficiency and optimization can be improved by harnessing the capability to expand the scope of data interpretation and evaluation. By utilizing data they are already collecting, manufacturing companies can use predictive analytics to gain solutions to new problems and improve product engineering. Intelligent automation technologies are being used to predict how to formulate particular physical materials and reduce anomalies in complicated chemical reactions.

Intelligent Automation in Cyber Security

One of the biggest challenges that the digital world deals with is cybersecurity. As time passes, cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated and are able to break the efforts of security. But the integration of intelligent automation can reinforce the security operations center. Artificial intelligence and machine learning play a significant role in boosting cybersecurity.

The implementation of automation tools can determine, protect, and deal with a wide range of cyber threats more promptly and effectively in comparison to humans. The massive size of attacks, together with the massive amount of data, has made the detection and assessment of threats a challenging task. Intelligent automation applications offer systematic threat identification and uninterrupted vigilance. The great thing is that these systems do not rely on one method; instead, they are constantly learning. This allows them to be better prepared to deal with the changing tactics of cybercriminals.

Intelligent Automation in the Healthcare Sector

The healthcare industry has embarked on different digital transformation initiatives by leveraging intelligent automation, analytics, cloud, etc. The fusion of various intelligent technologies allows healthcare organizations to optimize their operations and processes. There are many areas in a healthcare system where intelligent automation is implemented. Let’sLet’s take an example of patient appointment scheduling, which is a crucial process for the efficient functioning of the healthcare system.

Although the website and apps interface offers the feature to book appointments, integrating chatbots provide a customized experience as they collect information to book an appointment, offer suggestions based on patients’ symptoms, and recommend the right physicians. And, if patients need to reschedule the appointment, they simply reach out to the bot and do it themselves, and it will make the changes automatically into the system. This is especially helpful in healthcare facilities that operate on a large with multiple specialties.

Intelligent Automation in the Retail Sector

In the present retail sector, there seems to be a gap between what retailers and offering and consumers consumers’ expectations. And to sustain in the growingly competitive landscape, retailers have to focus on extending relevant products and services. And Intelligent Automation allows retailers to implement a focused and accurate approach and help them accomplish their target in an effective manner. Intelligent automation technologies can recognize customers’ shopping behavior and allow retailers to offer more personalized services based on their shopping preferences. This enables retailers to generate more loyal customers and expand their customer base.

Final Thoughts

By combining powerful technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotic process automation, and deep learning, IA allows a business to be more proactive and smarter in achieving its business objectives.