What Is DevOps, And How Does It Help In Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has different connotations for different people. Sometimes it’s about building applications aligning with a business’s needs. Digital transformation is often driven by the customer’s demand for fast and reliable interactions.

Digital transformation has the ability to fuel business growth if done well. Businesses become fast in responding and find creative solutions for competitive differentiation. You have to completely shift to digital technology to currently sustain in the competitive industry.

This is where DevOps solutions become applicable. It helps in enabling fast and frequent delivery of values to end-users. Find out more about the DevOps framework and its benefits from this article.

The Fundamentals Of DevOps Solutions

DevOps achieves everything with collaboration at its core. The name itself is a combination of Development and Operations. DevOps revolve around finding ways to work in unison better than before. DevOps focuses on the need for effective communication.

It also emphasizes the value of transparency. Tools and technology enhancing communication are the main pillars of DevOps. Cloud computing and automation play an integral role in the success of the DevOps framework. However, it also revolves around leveraging customer-centric and goal-oriented ideologies like Agile.   

Agile And DevOps Services 

Software development during its inception used to have a longer life cycle. The waterfall method was used where everyone worked in their silos. Moreover, the competition was less due to numerous barriers of entry in the software development arena. However, practices for developing better software emerged with the development of Agile.

Agile helped in speeding up the software development process. Both agile and DevOps services are focused on interactions. Agile uses automation for testing and continuous integration. DevOps uses automation to ensure collaboration between members of a team and other teams. DevOps can be considered to be one step further from agile.

Agile is utilized for creating and testing new software. On the other hand, DevOps deployment automation. Agile focuses on speed, while the primary pursuit of DevOps is accuracy. Combining both provides updated software with improvements on past builds. A DevOps team can prove to be worthwhile if appropriately leveraged.

Three Ways In Which DevOps IT Services Support Digital Transformation 

Check out three ways in which DevOps IT support successfully aids digital transformation.

1.     Unites Technology, Processes and People

Old business practices often disrupt digital transformation. DevOps helps in enabling digital transformation by breaking down silos. This allows the development and operations team to learn what’s working and not across an organization. Consequently, faster improvement is facilitated through a more collaborative environment.

IT teams are often the leading players in enabling digital transformation across an organization. They play a crucial role in building and supporting the architecture that will aid digital transformation. It always proves to be beneficial when a DevOps mindset is adopted by the development and operations team.

You will realize that DevOps also minimizes the internal waste of tools and people. It focuses on finding what brings value to the organization and its customers. As a result, the company will be able to limit technical debts and control lower priority cycles. DevOps ensures that software development brings the desired outcome within the organization.

2.     DevOps Priorities Automation

Companies need to incorporate practical innovation to move ahead of the competition. DevOps IT support should think about automated workflows to reduce manual and redundant tasks. This is often accomplished by automating the provision of infrastructure. However, sometimes the pipeline for continuous delivery and continuous integration also needs to be automated.

It is crucial to remember that automation needs to be implemented with care. It must be rooted in the processes and culture of the organization. Digital transformation becomes even more difficult if there is no automation of continuous integration and continuous delivery. Automation revolves around risks, but there is more risk in not doing it.

DevOps and digital transformation must translate to increased agility. It is crucial to embrace cloud DevOps services. It helps in modernizing applications with strategies like microservices and containerization. Development teams need to deliver code changes more reliably and frequently. This helps in addressing business needs, and customer needs more quickly.

3.     Aligns Business Goals With Security

Automation is supposed to accelerate the lifecycle of software development. However, this should not compromise security checks. Any progress can be exposed to security risks without proper security in place. It is necessary to fight the temptation of minimizing security checks.

Every software needs to undergo security checks before getting deployed to the public. DevOps framework helps in alleviating these concerns. DevOps ensures preventive scanning is done and trains developers to write more secure codes. Automation needs to be incentivized in security checks. It provides more time for perfecting a product based on customer feedback.

Digital transformation is executed more effectively when a company makes innovative uses of technology. Innovation is achieved through experimentation, and this attracts security risks. However, DevOps helps in eliminating such risks. A company that experiments with customers and learns from the engagement will flourish in the long run. It is essential to utilize feedback in finding new ways for value creation.

Closing Thoughts 

Cloud DevOps services can create a powerful tool for change. No matter how you view digital transformation, DevOps can be an integral part of it.  

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