DevOps transformation mistakes organisations are making

Software development and deployment have evolved over the years and become much more complex than in the past. Software has become a critical part of our lives, integrating into almost all aspects of our life.

With all the new challenges facing software development teams today, it is no surprise that many mistakes are being made. But how can organizations best avoid these mistakes? This article will help you identify which DevOps transformation mistakes your organization is making and how you can avoid them.

Why should I care about DevOps Transformation?

DevOps transformation isn’t just about having developers deliver their code on time or testing their code at all stages of the delivery process. It’s about understanding the modern challenges your business faces, regardless of what stage of development your product is in.

The goal of DevOps transformation is to increase agility, reduce costs, and make your organization more competitive in today’s fast-paced market landscape. These goals may sound obvious, but many organizations are failing to meet them. That’s why there are lots of companies out there offering a DevOps service to help with an organization’s DevOps transformation effort.

Mphasis, for example, is one of the leading technology solutions providers. Their DevOps service offers users experts who can examine businesses with their key metrics to ensure that their business development and governance are up to date and that they’re moving forward in the right direction.

What are the mistakes to avoid?

The following are some of the most common mistakes organizations make when it comes to implementing DevOps transformation. Let’s look at what these DevOps failings are, why they’re significant, and how you can avoid them.

1. Unclear business objectives

The first mistake to avoid is having unclear DevOps initiatives and conceptual issues. Having clear objectives is important in DevOps transformation because it will help your team know what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and why it needs to be done.

Insights from CIOs and leadership teams regarding the priorities of their business and industry are important to communicate. You need all the operations teams responsible for the DevOps practices to be on the same page. This will help establish the transformation initiatives that need to be done.

2. Speed vs. quality and safety

Another common mistake in the DevOps journey is the trade-off between speed and quality. This can cause a lot of friction in the team, especially when the organization is trying to gain some new features or launch a new product.

Oftentimes, organizations employ a CI/CD strategy (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) in their DevOps implementation to improve their deployment frequency at a faster pace. This time-focused DevOps approach can result in overlooking other important factors, such as having the right security practices and safety measures in place.

If your organization is solely focused on the speed and deployment of code, then it might be possible that the organization has no control over security. This can be a huge problem in the case of any product vulnerabilities or potential security issues.

Working with a DevOps service like Mphasis can help an organization to establish the key metrics that can be used to maximize the value of their business and digital transformation.

3. Not having agile teams

DevOps services are more than putting together operations teams with development teams. A high-performing DevOps team needs to have the right mix of people and a cohesive approach to their work.

A lot of organizations are struggling to get this right, so they’re missing out on the many benefits that can be achieved from having an agile team. This means not forgetting to spend the right time on nurturing effective security teams and DevOps skills within the team.

For example, a DevOps service like Mphasis can help you to have a structured and repeatable testing process that can evaluate your product’s status against industry standards. This helps your teams focus on what matters most: building and maintaining a dependable product.

4. Not being prepared for shifts in culture

Having the right tools for your DevOps practices is only half the battle in achieving DevOps success. You also need to be prepared for the inevitable shifts in the DevOps culture that will occur as your team learns new processes and workflows.

These cultural shifts can include anything from the use of new software tools to the introduction of new development practices. The best way to prepare for these changes is by understanding how different groups within your organization are likely to react to different practices.

Make sure that you implement a transition period for your new practices so that your cross-functional teams can properly adjust to any changes that occur. The right DevOps service should be able to aid you in optimizing the process of adopting modern practices during your DevOps transformation.

5. Too much focus on automation and tools

Many organizations struggle with the right balance between automating manual processes and creating a culture of “doing things right”. This can be an important challenge to overcome if you want to maximize the value of your DevOps transformation.

While fancy tools may seem like a good idea at first, you should be wary of creating processes that are too reliant on automation. Many DevOps services have been known to cause teams to lose focus on the actual work being done.

A good DevOps service can help you to understand which aspects of your processes need to be automated and which aspects require human interaction. Tools are only useful if your teams know exactly how to use them, and this is where a service provider for DevOps like Mphasis can help.

Final Thoughts

DevOps transformation is a complex and ever-changing field. It’s important to recognize that every organization is different, and there are always new DevOps trends and practices that you can take advantage of. But there are also many mistakes that you can avoid if you have the right DevOps services to guide your transformation efforts.

A competent DevOps service provider like Mphasis can make sure that you know what your goals are and which changes are needed to achieve them. They will help you focus on the right metrics to measure your progress so that you can effectively achieve success with your targets.

Small Business-How Can They Modernize Their Applications

One of the biggest obstacles that many businesses face is that they lag in terms of technology compared to large corporations. This is understandable because large corporations have the resources and manpower to modernize their applications constantly

This makes you wonder; what can small businesses do so that they won’t get behind when it comes to application modernization? Find out here.

What is Application Modernization

Before discussing how small businesses can modernize their applications, you need to understand what application modernization is in the first place.

Application modernization is the process of taking an already existing app and updating its features, architecture, and platform, enabling it to take advantage of modern developments. By doing this, businesses can gain more flexibility.

The process involves taking a closer look at the backend of your application. You need to identify which aspects have to be modernized. The application might need to be migrated into an entirely new platform in some cases. There are also some instances wherein it has to be built from scratch.

How Small Businesses Can Modernize their Application

So, how exactly can businesses modernize their applications? Here are some suggestions:

  • Build From Scratch

Some applications are so old that they are beyond saving. There are also instances when the efforts required for application modernization are equal to what you have to do when creating a new one from scratch. In these cases, it would be a lot better to make a new application instead. This is because doing so allows you to use up-to-date approaches that are more fitting to what your customers need and much more manageable on your end.

  • Take a Proactive DevOp Strategy

DevOps refers to the combination of cultural practices, philosophies, and tools that can help increase an organization’s ability to deliver services and applications at high velocity.

A good DevOps strategy must have a customer-value-driven approach. This can be delivered with the use of solutions that are automated, agile, and collaborative.

In order to achieve this, you need an experienced and highly skilled team of experts. Having in-house professionals with these skills and experience can be challenging and costly to maintain for small businesses. This is where outsourcing can help.

Outsourcing experts such as software developers, QA engineers, and automation architects is more cost-effective. At the same time, it is also less time-consuming because you don’t have to search and train these staff from the beginning.

  • Get a Reliable Partner

As mentioned, outsourcing is one of the best choices for small businesses that want to do application modernization. However, you shouldn’t work with just anybody. You need reliable partners who are experts in application modernization such as Mphasis – IT Service Provider.

Mphasis has a team of experts who can help identify which aspects of your application have to be modernized. After doing so, they will provide you with options on moving forward to achieve the results you want.

Potential Challenges in Application Modernization

Application modernization for small businesses can be a bit challenging. Some of the common challenges encountered include the following:

  • Cost

Application modernization is obviously great. However, one of the main reasons many small businesses are not pursuing it immediately is its cost. The financial challenges involved with application modernization can significantly impact the cash flow of a business.

A probable solution to this problem is outsourcing project components. This helps reduce cost and allows your internal employees to focus more on important codes. However, this is only possible if you collaborate with knowledgeable and experienced partners.

  • Lack of Knowledge and Experts

Most of the legacy applications there are very old. This means that there’s a high chance that those who made it are no longer with the business or have already retired. As a result, the maintenance and modernization of these apps can be a bit problematic.

Unfortunately, it’s not very easy to supplement the lack of modernization experts. This is because the set of skills needed for this requires years of hands-on experience and training.

  • Quality Assurance

Another major reason small business stakeholders are hesitant about modernizing their application is that they are afraid that it will not be as functional as the older version. This is totally understandable, and they have a valid concern.

Enhancing and modernizing IT products have high risks. The more complex the modernization process that you are planning to implement, the higher the technical risk there is.

  • Personnel are Accustomed to Old Technologies

Dealing with the technical side of how to modernize applications is not the only challenge. Business owners should also pay attention to their staff.

There can be instances where there’s a high level of reluctance from the staff to change into a newer system. This is because they will be going out of their comfort zone, and they need to familiarize themselves with an entirely new system from scratch.

However, the good news is that there’s rarely any stave resistance to the change. Even though they are not excited about the upgrade, they are still bound to follow company policies. That does not mean that you just have to let it be. Instead, it would be beneficial to make the transition as painless as possible.

  • Impact on the Business Process

Naturally, when the legacy codes are updated, you can expect for the enhancement to cause bugs once in a while. This is part of the process, but it can affect the user experience. This means that employees and customers might experience lags and delays when using your applications.

There’s really no way for you to prevent this issue from happening. But, what you can do is to notify your employees and customers ahead of time. This will allow them to manage their expectations better and be more understanding.

Final Words

Although there are risks involved in application modernization for small businesses, sometimes the trade-off is worth it. To increase chances of success for your application modernization, it is important to put in careful planning and risk management. Hopefully, this article has enlightened you on how you can modernize your application as a modern business.

What You Need To Know About Devops As A Service

Just as the 20th century brought industrial automation to the manufacturing of physical goods, the 21st century is looking to transfer the companies build and deliver software. As the changes mean, DevOps indicates the wide range of practices that promotes higher cooperation among the developers, stakeholders, and operators in the company. It brings huge changes and improves the deployment. It also helps foster the development team’s communication, cooperation, and productivity.

The practice of DevOps services methodology has increased a lot. According to the professionals, it has been claimed that the DevOps market is expected to reach $8 billion by 2022. Along with the concept of DevOps as a service, companies should also consider transforming this methodology to gain more competitive advantage and increase their customer experience.

DevOps As A Service

To apply DevOps as a service, it is very important to go through the platform’s lifestyle that consists of stages.


At first, the DevOps coordination should be split into smaller development cycles.

2. Setting Up The Infrastructure

The DevOps engineer prepares the environment, all the cloud services and third-party involved in the process.

3. Development

The development process has even become faster, as the developers have started executing it in short cycles.

4. Testing

Here, the team tests the code with automation testing tools and fixes bugs for every piece.

5. Integration

At this stage, the developers execute new functionality into the existing code. In this way, the ongoing development and integration happen.

6. Deployment

Deployment is applied all the time to make any changes in the app anytime without interfering with its functionality.

7. Monitoring

At this stage, the operation team watches the system’s behavior and checks whether it has any bugs or not.

As we have described DevOps and its lifestyle, it has become very easy to understand the term DevOps as a service. The concept stands for a delivery model that plans to keep all the necessary development tools in the cloud to enable developers to access the complete range and track all the actions. A company can easily automate all the deployment cycles in the software delivery infrastructure by implementing this. DevOps engineers can easily determine the optimum tools for your specific projects and use them to maximize your benefit. It has been said that the product development process has become convenient and fast.

Benefits Of DevOps Solutions

A few important and unique benefits of the DevOps solution are as follows-


High-velocity operation means that you can update and adapt it faster in better ways. It will also help boost your business results. Using the DevOps models allows your operation team and developers to get these benefits, and Microservices allow the team to manage services and release updates faster.

2. Quick Delivery

Your releases’ high pace and frequency enable you to upgrade your product very easily and quickly. The faster you remove bugs and provide new features, the faster you create a competitive advantage by understanding the client’s needs.

3. Reliability

By giving a huge quantity of infrastructure changes and application upgrades, your organization can easily deliver results at a higher speed and maintain a positive user experience.

4. Scale

All the development processes and the infrastructure can be easily managed and executed at scale. Applying consistency can reduce the risk and manage the complex system very easily.

5. Improved Cooperation

A DevOps model gives you the power to build more teams effectively, focusing on the values of ownership and accountability. Great cooperation between the developers and the operation team helps them with many responsibilities and combines the workflow.

6. Security

You can very well accelerate the operations while preserving compliance and keeping control. Your firm will not sacrifice its security in the DevOps model by using configuration management techniques, automated compliance policies, and fine-grained controls. Learn about application modernization too.

Why DevOps Consulting Matters

In today’s software industry, automation and AI play an important role in staying in the market and attracting new clients. We have mentioned a few points on why DevOps consulting is important-

  • To increase the velocity of the team as well as the product delivery.
  • To reduce human error by completing all the work automated.
  • To stay at the top in the market as competitors are already into this.
  • To reduce the extra time and update all the production changes within very little time.

The Bottom Line

If you are the one who is browsing the internet to gather knowledge about DevOps, then this article is perfect for you, as you will get all the related information here. We have explained everything about DevOps services to make it easy for you to understand. It has been claimed that the usage of DevOps will increase by 80% in 2022.

Why DevOps as a Service Matter

DevOps is referred to as a combination of practices, philosophies, and tools which improve the ability of an organization to deliver applications and services efficiently and rapidly. It allows organizations to improve products at a faster rate compared to using traditional infrastructure processes and software development. With the practice of DevOps, organizations can better serve their customers, reach out to potential customers and compete efficiently in the market.

The practice of DevOps enables a smoother and continuous collaboration, communication, and integration between the Dev aspect or application development team and the Ops or the IT operations team. 

With a close relationship between the Dev and the Ops teams, it can impact every phase of the DevOps lifecycle which would include from the initial phase of software planning, building, coding, testing, releasing, deployment, operation, and monitoring. One great result that one can get from investing in DevOps services is a more rapid and continuous release of changes, improvements, and necessary features of applications, products, and services.

Why DevOps Matter

DevOps are initiated in order to break down barriers in collaboration and communication between the development team and the IT operations team. In addition, DevOps is also designed to enhance business innovation, drive for continuous improvement, improve customer satisfaction, and ensure faster delivery of products and services. 

Yes, DevOps does matter because it encourages better, more secure, and faster delivery of business value to the end-users which are the business customers. This value comes in different forms like frequent updates, features, and product releases. This can mean that product release or new features can get into the customer’s hands quickly, securely, and efficiently. This can also mean how quickly errors are identified and resolved without having to disrupt normal business operations.

DevOps Toolchain 

DevOps best practices often make use of useful tools as part of their DevOps toolchain. These tools help to further streamline and automate the various stages of software delivery workflow. 

The tools also promote the DevOps principles of collaboration, automation, and integration between the operations team and the development team. Here is an example of an efficient DevOps toolchain:

  • Plan. The planning phase helps define the value and requirements of a business. Sample tools under this phase include Jira and Git which both helps identify known issues and accomplish project management tasks 
  • Code. The coding phase is all about the creation of software code and software design. Sample tools under this phase include Bitbucket, Stash, and GitHub. 
  • Build. The building phase is the phase where you manage software builds and versions. Automated tools are often used in this phase to compile and package code intended for future release as well as production. The sample tools that can be used in this phase include Docker, Gradle, Maven, and Puppet. 
  • Test. The testing phase involves continuous manual or automated testing to guarantee ideal code quality. Sample tools under this phase include Selenium, Codeception, and Vagrant. 
  • Deploy. The deployment phase includes those tools that can help coordinate, manage, schedule, and ultimately automate product releases into production. Under this phase, the sample tools include OpenShift, Jira, and Jenkins. 
  • Operate. The operating phase manages the software during the production process. The sample tools under this phase include Chef, Otter, and Salt. 
  • Monitor. The monitoring phase involves collecting information and identifying issues from specific software releases in production. Under this phase, the sample tools include Splunk, Wireshark, and Datadog.

DevOps Best Practices

The DevOp practices mirror the idea of having continuous automation and improvement. Many of these practices under DevOps focus on one or perhaps more development cycle phases. 

  • Continuous Development. This practice in DevOps extends to the coding phase and planning phase of the DevOps lifecycle. 
  • Continuous Testing. This DevOps practice incorporates prescheduled, automated, and continuous code testing as application code is written or updated. These tests can speed the delivery of the code to the production stage. 
  • Continuous Integration. This practice brings CM or configuration management tools together with other development tools for the purpose of tracking how much of the developed code is ready for production. This includes rapid feedback between the testing and development to rapidly identify code issues and resolve them at the same time. 
  • Continuous Delivery. This DevOps practice automates the delivery of the changes of coding after the testing phase to the preproduction phase.
  • Continuous Deployment. This DevOps practice is similar to continuous delivery, as this automates the release of new or perhaps a changed code into the production phase.  
  • Continuous Monitoring. This DevOps practice involves ongoing monitoring of both the code in the underlying infrastructure and the code in operation.

DevOps really has a lot of great benefits especially if performed with best practices. DevOps as a service promotes faster as well as better product delivery, greater scalability, and availability, and faster resolution to identified issues. It reduces complexity in issue resolution as well and promotes a more stable operating environment. Ultimately, it can improve business operations and delivery and make the customer experience more efficient and pleasant. 

The Prominence of DevOps as a Service

DevOps as a service is a growing notion in the landscape of application development. It shifts the focus from conventional collaboration to cloud development and operation where a lot of processes can be automated via stackable development tools. Development and delivery of software is a complex process, which is the reason agile companies’ harness the potentials of DevOps as a service to create, test, deploy and manage the applications with maximum efficiency, quality and control.

Why DevOps As A Service Important For Organizations?

Following are the reasons why companies should consider investing in DevOps as a service –

Higher Scope of Collaboration

In the dynamic development domain, the teams need to move over their internal silos and communicate and collaborate with a more comprehensive and accessible environment. Leveraging DevOps as a service allows companies to enhance the agility of their business by offering a proper environment for communication, collaboration, and integration with distributed teams of an IT company.

It helps in eliminating the boundary-based roles and brings the teams closer, irrespective of their physical locations. By facilitating uninterrupted connection, the team works towards building quality and effective deliverables.

Timely Threat Detection

The collaborative environment of DevOps develops a culture where teams can easily share their knowledge and thoughts with one another. The automated, round the clock monitoring and constant testing of the underlying code facilitate the development of an quality application. DevOps as a service empowers the team to share real-time feedback to each other, thereby facilitating early detection as well as rectification of threats.

Faster Services

Automation, constant delivery, and instant feedback cycle are the core principles associated with DevOps as a service.  With these principles as the bedrock, the team leverages a development process, which is more efficient and faster. Considering that it is a subset of an agile module, DevOps leverages automation in order to make sure an efficient flow of the SDLC is rendered. By fostering collaborative ecosystem, it provides the potential for faster and constant feedback. Therefore, if there are any pitfalls, they are fixed in a timely and faster manner.

Exceptional Customer Experience

DevOps as a service helps companies to optimize their frequency of deployment and recovery time, and reduce the probabilities of failures to a great extent. It automates the delivery pipelines, making it possible to offer higher stability and reliability of application post the release. When efficiency is maintained from the early stage of production, companies can extend the desired level of customer satisfaction.

Release and Deployment at a Constant Rate

In the competitive landscape, development teams are expected to deliver quality software more frequently, mitigate the market timeline and comply with the shorter release phases. DevOps as a service facilitate the same by offering effective automation. With automated pipelines, the team of both Dev and Ops is able to create an integrated code instantly. Moreover, when the quality assurance process is automated, it efficiently handles the quality of the code. Therefore, by automation, DevOps as a service promotes higher quality efficiency and faster releases.

Paving the Way for Innovation

DevOps, as a service works to streamline the existing processes, promote efficient releases, and ascertain high-quality of the product. This implies that the development phases are performed more comfortably, the teams are not overworked, and there are tremendous potentials of extending innovative approaches to deal with issues.

Practical Examples of DevOps as a Service

Today many leading conglomerates leverage DevOps as a service in order to make their processes more efficient and deliver quality and effective services.


Netflix provides a seamless streaming experience to more than 100 million users. The platform operates on a cloud infrastructure that encompasses a wide range of microservices. The team is capable of adding code into deployment images without relying on their IT operations.  After every image update, it automatically gets embedded into the infrastructure. Moreover, automated monitoring ensures that if the deployment of an image fails, it is replaced by a new image and traffic is rerouted.


Amazon is perhaps the best example of DevOps as a service. It has enabled the company to optimally use its resources through scaling server ability. The company deployed a constant deployment process that offers developers an opportunity to deploy code irrespective of the time and server.


Etsy changed its waterfall model to agile, and that paved the way for tremendous transformations. Presently, the platform works on automated deployment pipeline and has over 50 deployments every day.

Devops as a Services Overview:

DevOps as a service comes with a lot of potentials, and it is here to stay for a long time. In the current competitive market scenario, businesses need to harness the potentials delivered by the automated approach of DevOps in order to sustain. Companies cannot survive merely by their internal collaboration. Presently, they need technologies like DevOps to extend their communication and collaboration potentials and become more dynamic in nature.

Why Should DevOps Be Made A Part of Productivity-Driven Companies?

Why Should DevOps Be Made A Part of Productivity-Driven Companies?

When managing a digital business, there are plenty of things that needed to be looked after carefully. Business software is an integral part of the business that helps companies to increase their working efficiency and contribute to productivity as well. It is essential to understand that software development is a core component of any business that allows them to put it to optimal use. For efficient and effective software development in the company, you need to practice DevOps as a service.

For those who are new to the IT world, DevOps is simply a corporate culture where the development and operation teams are brought together for software development. DevOps has become a prominent part of the business that enables companies to develop and improve software products to focus on business productivity. It is because of DevOps that companies are able to make their software development approaches more fast-paced than the traditional ones.

What is DevOps?

First, it is essential to know that DevOps is neither a tool nor software; it is basically a culture or process that helps in software development. DevOps brings together or forms a communication channel between the development and operation teams to enhance productivity and collaboration in software development. DevOps as a service has primarily benefitted the company by reducing the time frame and eliminating the inefficiency. The development and testing phase of software go parallelly in order to reduce the friction and early detection of the errors.

Why is DevOps Important For A Company?

DevOps solutions are continuously gaining popularity in the digital business as it holds great prominence in the business industry. Organizations of all sizes and objectives are striving to implement DevOps as a service into their company with a view to achieving the best result in the given budget and time. Software development is divided into different phases, and DevOps makes sure that everything falls into the right place. Right from gathering information to the maintenance phase, every stage needs to be completed effectively. DevOps has benefitted the companies with plenty of things; let’s get to know why it holds a prominent place in software development.

Short Development Cycle and More Innovation

When development and operation teams work separately, there are chances of getting a mixed response from both the teams. The development cycles tend to extend when the development team submit requests. With the joint efforts of development and operation team, applications are developed more quickly and efficiently. It also allows the teams with more time to think about innovative approaches to development.

Better Cooperation

It is essential to bring harmony among the teams that lead to collaborative productivity. There is nothing better than bringing DevOps to improve the communication and cooperation between the teams. The DevOps is more focused on combined performance, instead of the individual goals that help in kindling the team spirit among the teams. Together, they can work to achieve the simulated tasks and handle software development with innovation.

Less Failure, Recovery Time and Reflections

One of the primary reasons for failure in the implementation is programming defects. But, with DevOps, there are no such worries as it provides more efficiency and shorter development cycles. There is a continual development of code versions in DevOps that promote easy detection of code defects an reduce the chances of errors. Recovery time is another notable hindrance in software development, but with DevOps, companies can enjoy faster recovery time that leads to efficient development.

Improved Competencies

It is quite evident to interpret that with high efficiency comes accelerated development and fewer chances of errors. All the above mentioned sums up that DevOps can lead to increased competencies in the business. It is essential to choose a DevOps consulting company that can help you with better understanding the culture and implement it in your company in the best way possible. You can also automate your DevOps goals to reduce the manual work time so that developers can focus on other core components of task completion.


It has become more than essential to establish the right blend of efficiency and output in today’s digital age of business. Software development is no different. It is vital to increase the efficiency, and quality output of a software application to increase productivity. DevOps ensure that company manages all its goals regarding software development. It is a set of processes that allows a reliable collaboration between development and operation teams to achieve a set of tasks. DevOps has radically replaced and improved the traditional software development approach and provided businesses with a brand new and updated version of development.

The above mentioned were some of the ideal reasons why DevOps has become a part of the business processes and why you should start thinking about it.

DevOps- A Wonderful Collaboration

In this article, we are going to see:

  • What DevOps is
  • DevOps application – How you can employ DevOps
  • Benefits of DevOps Services

DevOps – What DevOps is

Here is the truth about what DevOps is:

Every day, a new definition of DevOps is made. DevOps is not a person and it is also not a profession. The word “DevOps” is used in such a mixture of contexts and environments, making it difficult to understand the meaning.

DevOps is an information technology management tool that seeks to improve and optimize the delivery of services and software to people. DevOps comprises of IT two teams, Development teams, and Operations teams.

Now, developers in development teams have adopted the use of Agile – a framework used to enable rapid development of software, operations teams have lagged in safely deploying software that has been produced rapidly.

Here’s where it gets interesting:

DevOps intends to improve software development and deployment by doing away with the silos between these two teams. DevOps application improves the situation by using a product-centric approach.

The approach aims to automate, speed up and secure the deployment of software. As such, DevOps requires an organization’s cultural change by bringing together Development and IT Operations teams.

Using DevOps reduces time to delivery date by enabling the two teams to break down software development components and rapid deployment of the developed software into production.

Bottom line:

DevOps is a speedup of how an idea can go from development to deployment efficiently through the collaboration between Development and IT Operations teams.

DevOps Application– How You Can Employ DevOps

Check this out:

1. DevOps Requires Cooperation

DevOps is intended to beat the traditional system of software development where one team develops the whole system, another team tests the same system, yet another team would deploy the system and a final team to operate the same system.

The traditional system is inefficient. In DevOps, software development works efficiently like a workflow. DevOps application culture encompasses free will to share the information which in turn helps to promote cultural change like transparency, encouraging by eliminating fear, etc.

Bottom line:

DevOps may be defined as Development and Operations but in essence, DevOps is everyone in your organization.

2. DevOps is not about Development and Operations only.

Also, DevOps is not just about development and operations teams, rather, it also includes security. To maximize the DevOps application, your organization ought to put into consideration how security affects the life of the system they are developing.

Security in DevOps can be achieved by using the right tools. However, cultural change is also a great factor as DevOps’ main aim is to bridge the gap between development and operations teams, however, this speed can be limited by poor security.

You must now be asking yourself how you can implement DevOps security.

Check this out:

You could start with risk-tolerance and carrying out a risk analysis. Then, you need to maintain short development cycles. Maintaining these short cycles will help your DevOps team to incorporate security with the least possible disruptions to operations.

Now, all these initiatives to implement DevOps security start at the human level, which is collaboration in your organization and then automation which is the facilitator in DevOps security.

Automation is introduced to DevOps by using CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous development). CI/CD is the solution to problems which new code can bring to DevOps teams.

CI/CD makes integration of new code possible by introducing continuous automation and continuous delivery right through the life cycle of applications, that is, from integration to deployment.

Bottom line:

Using the latest tools together with automating your processes makes your organization’s securityimplementation easy.

Security plays a huge role in DevOps…more like DevSecOps now!

Advantages of using DevOps

Now, there are three categories of benefits for using DevOps technology in your organization. In this section, we are going to see how DevOps technology benefits you:

  • Technically
  • Culturally
  • Your business

1. Technical Benefits

DevOps technology offers a solution to your problems through continuous software delivery, which means that through DevOps services, changes e.g. bug fixes to software can be implemented and delivered to the end-user safely, rapidly and sustainably.

Also, through an efficient workflow method employed by DevOps technology, software production is less complex to manage as DevOps is more efficient than the traditional way of developing and deploying software that required not less than three teams to make it a success.

Again, through DevOps, there is a quicker problem resolution which promotes higher confidence among members in a team and helps to deliver and offer traceability of changes through version control systems.

Also, as people work together, problems are fixed in a rapid way as members of a team create strong bonds when working together. Through bonding and collaboration among development, operations and security teams, better code and software are produced.

Bottom line:

High value and quality software are delivered to a customer through DevOps technology.

Cultural Benefits

Check this out:

DevOps technology and solutions have also benefited developers as they have become more productive, and happier. Their happiness and productivity are as a result of working together in teams as opposed to working against each other.

Also, employees are more engaged in their works as they are dedicated to delivering value to their organizations. By automation of repetitive and low-value tasks, employees are more engaged to develop better software.

Bottom line:

Culturally, DevOps helps to mold people to form good teams, interact well with each other and ultimately produce high-quality software.

Business Benefits

It is true that:

DevOps is so efficient that it grants developers more time to be innovative, rather than maintaining or fixing bugs. Also, teams get to work under stable environments through improved communication and collaboration.

DevOps technologies also deliver software quickly which makes a business reliable.


DevOps is an information technology management tool that seeks to improve and optimize the delivery of services and software to people. DevOps comprises of IT two teams, Development teams, and Operations teams.

Also, through cooperation between teams and automation of processes using CI/CD, the security of DevOps applications is easily implemented.

DevOps also benefits people technically, culturally and also helps to grow businesses primarily by developing software quickly, deploying them safely and easily implementing changes in case of bug fixes.

Through DevOps consulting services, software architects carry out an extensive analysis of what you require and help you understand the outcomes.

DevOps – All You Need To Know About DevOps

What is ‘DevOps’? What does DevOps entail?” It may seem just like a combination of two words, Dev and Ops.

Here’s the truth about DevOps:

DevOps is a combination of two teams, development, and operations where these two teams collaborate and communicate, that is, work hand in hand with each other, as opposed to working against each other.

To get better facts about DevOps, keep reading this article to find out.

Facts About DevOps – What is DevOps

Development and Operation teams have similar goals and objectives. They mostly work against each other based on who will beat who on releasing software, which will be stable and more efficient.

What DevOps is not

The truth about what DevOps is not is:

DevOps is not just about changing a team structure. There have been some trials for forming DevOps teams which are:

  • Creating a 3rd team proceeding from Development and Operations and calling it a DevOps team.
  •  Hiring DevOps engineers so that you may have your version of how to do a DevOps team.
  • Bridging the gap between Development and Operations and then forming a DevOps team.

Here’s the truth about DevOps:

The above methods cannot form a DevOps team fully, as re-organizing teams and hiring or both is just a tip of the iceberg. These are secondary items to look at when developing a DevOps team. DevOps is set towards evolving, building, and operating on resilient systems.

DevOps Service – Evolve, Do Not Transform

Here’s the truth about DevOps:

For DevOps to be a success, it needs continuous evolution and not a complete transformation. This evolution is made possible by the coming together of development, operations, and business teams and the application of automated processes to make Information Technology efficient.

DevOps can be of great assistance at continually improving your business in this digital era.

Only 17% of information technology teams can deliver fast software fast enough as many of these IT organizations spend lesser time and energy designing and building projects; they spend much of their time testing and deploying.

Here’s the truth about DevOps teams:

DevOps is a process that will never end, a continual process, but it can never be a goal.

You’ll be surprised to find out that many development and operations teams have different ways and values of producing the best projects that are frequently not aligned.

Development and operations (DevOps) might surprise you:

DevOps services, once merged, can form a powerful team. By optimizing development and operations, business goals will be realized quickly through flexible IT and rapid feedback. Through this optimization, you will find out that there will be:

1. Continuous Improvement

Now, once objectives are shared, teams begin working together at a more excellent pace with similar goals, as opposed to development and operations teams, each working on their own yet against each other.

They have similar goals and similar objectives, which makes competition for delivery fierce. Many companies do not view DevOps as an opportunity; instead, a challenge. The opportunities at hand can upgrade your software development process.

Statistics show that 47% of large companies and 67% of SMEs have implemented DevOps in their software engineering wings of their businesses. For DevOps to become a permanent thing, implemented by enterprises, many challenges will have to be resolved.

2. Version Control

With DevOps, version controlis used to provide a logical means to organize and coordinate file creation. Also, DevOps uses version control to update, delete, and control access across an organization.

The best thing about DevOps version control is:

Version control helps improve the delivery of software as DevOps teams use it to test and deploy, configure infrastructure and application together with their many libraries. As DevOps is a continuous delivery process, version control assists in:


Why is this important?

DevOps teams should be able to continue quickly from where one team left off, determine versions and dependencies precisely, and also be capable of deciding on changes between environments.


DevOps offers better reproducibility when continuous integration used with GitLab or GitHubis used for more productivity and faster feedback cycles.

Here’s the best part:

These capabilities benefit you by saving you from a disaster- that is, disaster recovery, higher quality of software produced, auditability to show integrity, and responses to defects, which include critical errors in their software, which requires a new release immediately.

There are so many points to DevOps- Version Control.

3. Test Automation

The best thing about DevOps- test automation is:

Test Automation helps to get quick responses based on the impact of changes.

In the traditional system, teams checked the correctness of their software by manually inspecting their code. The check was done after development was complete. The conventional system wasted a lot of time to run and was not efficient economically.

Also, the manual checks were unreliable because the task was repetitive and boring. It was a difficult job to inspect a complex system. As systems kept on evolving, so was its documentation, which required a lot of effort.

Google Cloud offers more details of DevOps and its services.

A major Challenge Facing DevOps

 Changes in culture

Cultural change is one of the toughest things, especially in an organization. Once the change has been implemented, it collides with on-going work. Cultural change is a long term process. It is a wise option to build a team of influencers within your organization who are pro-DevOps.

DevOps Consultation

DevOps consultation helps organizations in the integration of development and operations (DevOps) that automates and streamlines workloads through cloud-native technologies.

Why is DevOps consultation essential?

DevOps consultation is essential as it is a flexible, secure, and fast enterprise that can quickly adapt to the changing market by using reusable workloads, reduced complexity, and continuous delivery.

Assessment is done to an existing system or application, its lifecycle, and produces a list of activities required to automate DevOps. After that, implementation and transformation are done for appropriate DevOps technologies.

After DevOps automation and integration are complete, Cloud operations and automation support for the new technologies are managed and updated.


Well, implementing a DevOps team in your organization is indeed hard. However, when development and operation teams work together, they achieve the best in terms of goals and objectives.

DevOps is not a finite process. DevOps cannot be formed by hiring pro DevOps engineers or creating a group from both development and operations. It can neither be formed down by mobilizing development and operations teams.

With DevOps’ advantages in the economic market, you cannot afford to ignore it. Many enterprises and SMEs are adopting the use of DevOps for faster and more efficient software development and delivery.

Consider DevOps for your enterprise. You’ll be shocked in amazement because of its strength.

DevOps Basics: Is Doing DevOps Feasible in the Interconnected World?

The word DevOps is a term derived from the words – development, and operations. 

DevOps is a series of practices and techniques that automates the processes involved between information technology and software development teams, to ensure that they can build, test and release software in a faster and more reliable way.

The concept surrounding DevOps is based on building a culture of collaboration between different teams that functions in relative silos. This innovative concept offers various benefits like increased trust, faster and more reliable releasing of software, quick resolution of critical issues, and better management of unplanned work. All these benefits do not only benefit the teams but also for the entire business.

How Is It Done?

With DevOps, businesses are able to unite agile continuous delivery and automation to help development and operations teams to become more efficient, deliver higher value to both business and customers, innovate faster, and ultimately improve business operations and output.

Doing DevOps effectively would mean integrating and collaborating with entities that are external to your company.

So, how do businesses integrate DevOps in their operations? Here are ways on how this is done effectively.

  • The integration of open source code into their code base which is dependent on an open-source community where they write their codes.
  • Maintaining a healthy relationship with third party sources while ensuring release schedules as well as tool chains are compatible with their needs as well as their partner’s needs.
  • Businesses need to make sure that the applications they work with and deliver are compatible with different operating systems, platforms, browsers, and hardware devices that are controlled by third-party sources.
  • Businesses must also comply with the regulatory rules that are provided by third parties and ensure that the delivery chains are able to meet those regulatory requirements.
  • Applications must comply with the application programming interface that is designed as well as updated by third parties.

All these tips and tricks in integrating DevOps in businesses will help a business grow and develop. However, businesses need to integrate with as well as to adapt to decisions made by third-party partners. If they are not able to comply, problems like broken code, regulatory compliance issues, and loss of third party partners may arise which will ultimately affect business operation performance and output.

Why Should Businesses Opt for DevOps?

In today’s competitive business industry, more businesses are integrating DevOps into their business. To make this integration a success, businesses must be able to build a culture of shared responsibility, transparency, and faster feedback. 

Operational teams and third-party partners should work hand in hand in the operation. Everyone should be aware of how individual actions affect not only specific teams but also other teams that are involved in the release process.

When there is a lack of visibility, transparency, and shared goals, there is also a lack of dependency planning, misaligned business priorities, and finger-pointing issues. All of such issues will result in poor performance as well as substandard quality.

Release Faster and Work Smarter

Like most industries, speed is everything. Businesses that practice DevOps are able to release more frequently with higher quality as well as higher stability.

When a business does not have any automated tests and review cycles, there will be issues concerning release to production. With poor incident response time will affect not only business timely and quality output but also significantly decreases the confidence of the team, as they are unable to meet standard requirements.

Through automation and proper integration of DevOps, all of these issues are significantly reduced or eliminated and timely release with fewer issues is achieved.

Accelerate Resolution Time and Improve Customer Satisfaction

When resolution time is significantly decreased, this means that there is seamless communication along with full transparency between DevOps teams. As a result, downtime is significantly minimized and issues are resolved faster.

When there are critical issues that are not resolved quickly, customer satisfaction is affected. Such critical issues arise when open communication is absent and this will also result in the increased frustration and tension among teams. 

Implement DevSecOps

So, what is DevSecOps? This is the philosophy involving the integration of security process within the process of DevOps. This concept is focused on the creation of new solutions intended for complex software development process.

Better Manage Unplanned Workload

Yes, every operation often encounters unplanned work. In reality, unplanned work can affect your team’s productivity. With DevOps, your team can follow an established process and clear prioritization, the development team along with the operations teams can better manage such unplanned work while being able to continue to focus on set or planned work at the same time.

It cannot be denied that prioritizing as well as transitioning unplanned work across various systems and teams is inefficient and can distract your team from the work at hand. But, with DevOps, there is a process followed that raises visibility and proactive retrospection, DevOps teams can better anticipate and efficiently share and complete unplanned work.

Start Collaborating Now!

 DevOps helps in speeding up processes from development to deployment. These series of approaches require the development and operations teams communicate seamlessly and frequently so the quality output is achieved.

Selecting the right tools is critical for DevOps to be successful. If your operations need to keep up with the rapid development cycles, they would need highly flexible platforms and automated systems.

So, what are you waiting for? Start collaborating and adapting DevOps culture now!

DevOps Explained: Why Opt for DevOps?

DevOps from the terms, development, and operations and is described as a culture rather than a technique or standard. This concept represents a change in the IT culture which focuses on the rapid delivery system through the integration of agile and lean practices in a system-oriented approach.

This culture emphasizes the people and culture and aims to improve the collaboration between development and operations teams. The successful implementation of DevOps depends on various factors including technology and automation tools which can leverage a programmable as well as dynamic infrastructure. It is used to shorten the software development life cycle through the use of fast feedback loops to deliver resolutions, features, and updates on a timely basis and more frequently.

DevOps History Explained 

The concept of DevOps started long ago and was not created in one instance. Instead, it has been nurtured by IT experts in several disciplines. The two primary antecedents of DevOps include enterprise systems management and agile development.

Enterprise systems management or ESM is one of the foundations of the practices involved with DevOps. In fact, system administrators or operations experts as the primary developer of DevOps has incorporated ESM practices including system monitoring, configuration management, toolchain approach, and automated provisioning into the core of DevOps.

On the other hand, agile development is also associated with DevOps. In fact, DevOps can be interpreted as an outgrowth of agile development, as it involves close collaboration with product management, developers, and customers to fill in gaps, resolve issues, and rapidly deliver better products and services.

Problems Encountered During the Creation of DevOps

Development and operations teams do not always see eye to eye on various things. However, they do agree that the business aspect of the line pulls them in different directions. For instance, end-users often demand change involving new features, new revenue streams, and new services. At the same time, end users also want a system that is stable and free from any interruptions and outages. That said, on the business side of the line, companies are often faced with the dilemma on whether to deliver quick changes with unstable production environment or to maintain a stable but rather stale environment. Neither choice is acceptable to enterprise executives.

Developers would want to push out the software the quickest possible way. On the other hand, the operations team knows that these quick changes have the tendency to destabilize the system. DevOps culture was created to resolve such dilemma through the integration of everyone associated with development and deployment into a single as well as a highly automated workflow with the focus of rapid delivery of high quality and stable software which meets all user requirements.

To minimize problems with DevOps, there is a set of principles that must be considered. These principles include the following:

  • Set expectations as well as priorities well.
  • Determine the fundamental beliefs that guide the expectations and priorities set.
  • Collaborate within as well as between different teams, especially in terms of problem-solving.
  • Use automation on common as well as repetitive processes to maximize time and effort.
  • Integrate feedback and monitor processes and output.
  • Share information with everyone to foster a more effective working environment.
  • Allow open communication in one channel.

How Does DevOps Work?

Now that the history, as well as problems encountered in the creation of DevOps, has been explained, it is now time to answer the question – how does DevOps work?

Like other cultures, DevOps incorporates various capabilities into one culture. These capabilities include collaboration, continuous integration, automation, continuous delivery, continuous monitoring, continuous testing, and rapid remediation.

  • Collaboration. Instead of finger-pointing, both the development and operations team along with other teams (from creation to implementation) collaborate or work together. Basically, the success of DevOps will depend on how well the teams collaborate across the entire company to get things done efficiently, rapidly, and effectively.
  • Automation. DevOps relies on automation which means that you need the right tools that can help transition end to end software development to deployment process smoothly.
  • Continuous Integration. Like the agile culture, continuous integration is essential in DevOps culture. In fact, it is one of the fundamentals of DevOps. The continual merging of source codes from all develop into a shared mainline allows the smooth flow of workload even when a new code is added and prevents any catastrophic merge conflicts.
  • Continuous Testing. Continuous testing allows the creation of a central system of decision which will help assess business risks associated with every application involved in your organization. When this concept is applied consistently, it can guide the entire team to meet business expectations and provides executives to make informed decisions to optimized business output.
  • Continuous Delivery. When continuous delivery is implemented properly, multiple deployments may be achieved that has passed through a standardized test process.
  • Continuous Monitoring. Continuous monitoring is essential to detect failures and resolve them in real-time. With continuous monitoring, performance, availability, and stability of software are measured. Root causes of issues are quickly identified and resolved to prevent outages and other complications.

What about DevSecOps?

With DevOps, there is debate on whether it has offered security to applications. With the rapid changes surrounding the concept of DevOps, many security tools as well as compliance monitoring tools are not able to keep up. That said, it cannot be denied that security is one of the biggest obstacle to rapid application development and IT innovation.

DevSecOps is the introduction of security earlier in the application development ensuring that application vulnerabilities are minimized. It aims to embed security in every aspect of the application development process. Core security tasks are automated through embedding security controls and processes early on in the DevOps workflow.

Why Opt for DevOps?

Implementing DevOps allows enterprises to get more done, plain and simple. It offers various benefits including continuous software delivery, quicker resolution time, and less complexity to handle. It also offers team benefits which include higher employee engagement, more productive teams, and more professional opportunities. On the business aspect, DevOps offers faster delivery of features, stability, improved communication and collaboration, and more time to innovate.